Special Session on
Diffuse Interface Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Materials Science
Starting with van der Waals and Korteweg, many have studied the diffuse nature of interfaces. This session will feature work on numerical modeling of interfacial phenomena using square gradient methods and on experimental work with miscible systems.
Session Organizer:
John A. Pojman
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS 39406
(601) 266-5035
40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit
14-17 January 2002
Reno Hilton
Reno, NV
Diffuse Interface Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Materials Science (MSSP-9)
Wednesday , 1:00:00 PM
Chaired by: J. POJMAN, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS
1:00:00 PM
Application of the Cahn-Hilliard Equation to Miscible Systems
B. Nauman and M. Cheng, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, NY
1:30:00 PM
Measurements of Velocity and Streamline Fields in Miscible Displacement in Round Tubes
J. Kuang and T. Maxworthy, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
2:00:00 PM
Miscible Hele-Shaw Flows: Three-Dimensional Linear Stability Results
E. Meiburg and F. Graf, Univ. of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA; C. Haertel, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
2:30:00 PM
Surface Tension and Fingering of Miscible Interfaces
M. Abid, J.-B. Liu, and P. Ronney, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
3:00:00 PM
Damping of Quasi-Stationary Waves Between Two Miscible Liquids
W. Duval, NASA Glenn, Cleveland, OH
3:30:00 PM
A Phase-Field Model of Convection with Solidification
D. Anderson, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, VA; G. McFadden, National Inst. of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; A. Wheeler, Univ. of Southampton, Southampton, UK
4:00:00 PM
Numerical Simulations of Transient Interfacial Phenomena in Miscible Fluids
J. Pojman, Univ. of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS; N. Bessonov,
R. Texier-Picard, and V. Volpert, Université Lyon I, Villeurbanne,
France; H. Wilke, Inst. of Crystal Growth, Berlin, Germany
Abstract Deadline: 4 May 2001
The Aerospace Sciences Meeting is the largest of the AIAA technical conferences and one of the preeminent technical gatherings within the entire spectrum of aerospace activities. The multidisciplinary character of this meeting provides an ideal forum for scientists and engineers from industry, government, and academia to share and disseminate scientific knowledge and research results.
The 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit will emphasize issues of fundamental science and technology, and how innovations and advancements can be applied to improve the products and processes of the aerospace industry. The meeting will feature both invited and contributed presentations that address the evolving scientific, R&D and applications requirements faced by the aerospace community.
Technical papers are presented by authors chosen via a competitive selection process based on peer review, as described below, and invitation of papers of the highest quality to emphasize major trends and accomplishments in various aerospace disciplines. To facilitate simultaneous sessions, papers will begin on the hour and half hour. Six to eight 30-minute papers per session are planned (20 minutes for presentation with 10 minutes for question and discussion), but session organizers are encouraged to include one-hour survey papers where appropriate.
The technical committees sponsoring this meeting, areas in which papers are solicited, and the names and addresses of the meeting organizers to whom abstracts will be submitted are listed below. Every effort will be made to provide uniformly rigorous evaluations and acceptance rates for all sessions.
Procedures for Abstract Submission (NEW)
This year, abstract submissions for the conference will be accepted electronically through AIAA's Web site at address http://www3.aiaa.org/ca/author. This Web site will be open for submittals of abstracts starting 4 March 2001. The system will allow for file upload in the following formats: Word, WordPerfect, Text, RTF, and PDF. When submitting through the Web site, please designate the 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit from the conference directory. Abstracts must be received by 4 May 2001.
Authors having trouble submitting abstracts electronically should e-mail AIAA technical support at: paper_tech_support@aiaa.org. Questions about the abstracts themselves or manual abstract submissions should be referred to the appropriate Technical Program organizer:
Microgravity Science and Space Processing Symposium
Papers are solicited in the general areas of low -gravity phenomena and materials processing in space. Specific areas of interest are the growth of electronic materials, metals and alloys, ceramics, glasses, polymers, and proteins; fluid physics, heat, mass, and momentum transport phenomena; biotechnology, combustion science; acceleration measurements of the microgravity environment; and In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) related to low- and partial-gravity environments. Papers on flight-qualified hardware will also be considered.
The conference will be international in scope. It offers invited talks, presentations, and panel discussions on specific issues related to the necessary microgravity levels for materials processing in low Earth orbit, sensitivity of experiments to different types of disturbances, the measure of quality of the microgravity environment, and the needs for microgravity and partial gravity science in support of future space exploration missions and planned ISRU activities. An important mission of the conference is to promote interactions between researchers in the field of microgravity science, materials processing in space, hardware developers, and policy developers.
Student-only session(s) are planned as well for this symposium. Papers are solicited in the same areas of low-gravity phenomena and materials processing from students enrolled in undergraduate, Master-degree, and Ph.D.-degree programs in materials science and engineering.
Authors are requested to submit a one-page, single-line extended abstract highlighting novel results and their relevance to microgravity science. Abstracts must concentrate on results, keeping background information to a minimum. Important references, graphs, or pictures may be included on a second page.
Abstract submissions for the conference will be accepted electronically through AIAA's Web site at address http://www3.aiaa.org/ca/author. This Web site will be open for submittals of abstracts starting 4 March 2001. The system will allow for file upload in the following formats: Word, WordPerfect, Text, RTF, and PDF. When submitting through the Web site, please designate the 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit from the conference directory. Abstracts must be received by 4 May 2001.
Afina Lupulescu
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
CII Building, 4223
Troy, NY, 12180
518/2762198 fax
E-mail: lupula@rpi.edu
David J. Chato
NASA Glenn Research Center
21000 BrookPark Rd.
Cleveland, OH, 44135-3127
216/977-7545 fax
E-mail: David.J.Chato@grc.nasa.gov
Program for 40th AIAA Meeting, January 14-17, 2002
Chairs of the sessions |
Topic of the sessions |
E-mails of the chairs of the sessions |
Number of the scheduled sessions |
Fred Kohl & Henry Nahra | Plenary |
1 |
Narayanan Ramachandran & Kurt Sacksteder | Plenary |
1 |
Aleksander Ostrogorski | Materials Science/Crystal Growth |
1 |
Jan Rogers & Rick Weber | Containerless Processing |
1 |
Robert Gustafson & E. Rice | Space Exploration/Colonization |
gustafsonr@ORBITEC.com | 2 |
Walter Duval | Microgravity Fluid Physics |
1 |
John Pojman | Diffuse Interface Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Materials Science |
1 |
Richard DeLombard | Microgravity Environment |
1 |
Jeffrey LaCombe | Microgravity Education and Outreach |
1 |
Jose L. Torero & Steven Tse | Combustion |
2 |
Barry Andrews | Coupled Growth in Alloy Systems |
1 |
Portonovo Ayyaswamy | Biomaterials |
1 |