Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems

20-25th August 2000
Roger Williams University
Bristol, Rhode Island

Chair: Stephen K. Scott, University of Leeds
Vice-Chair: Stefan C. Müller, University of Magdeburg


2:00 - 11:00 p m Arrival and Registration
6:00 p m Dinner
7:30 p m - 9:30 p mSession I: Oscillatory Reactions and Nonlinear Kinetics
Session Leader: Ken Showalter, West Virginia University
7:30 - 8:15John Ross, Stanford University
Analysis of complex reaction mechanisms
8:15 - 8:30Discussion
8:30 - 9:15Qui Tran-Cong, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Mode selection in polymer mixtures driven by photochemical reactions: continuous vs. periodic illumination
9:15 - 9:30Discussion
7:30 - 8:30 a mBreakfast
9:00 a m - 12:30 p mSession II: Biological Systems
Session Leader: John Tyson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
9:00 - 9:45Jim Collins, Boston University
The design and construction of genetic applets
9:45 - 10.00Discussion
10:00 - 10:30Coffee
10:30 - 10:45Photo Session
10:45 - 11:30Les Loew, University of Connecticut
Image-based models of cell physiology - applications of the virtual cell modelling environment
11:30 - 11:45Discussion
11:45 - 12:30Adam Arkin, University of California
Stochastic dynamical switching and mutation-induced oscillations in bacterial signaling networks.
12:30 - 12:45Discussion
12:45 - 1:30 p mLunch
1:30 - 4:00 p mFree of all formal activity
4:30 - 6:00 p mPoster session I
6:00 p mDinner
7:30 p m - 9:30 p mSession III: Atmospheric Dynamics: Waves
Session Leader: Steve Scott, University of Leeds
7:30 - 8:15Richard Field, University of Montana
Nonlinear feedback loops in small models of tropospheric chemistry
8:15 - 8:30Discussion
8:30 - 9:15Oliver Steinbock, Florida State University
Pulse interactions in excitable media
9:15 - 9:30Discussion
7:30 - 8:30 a mBreakfast
9:00 a m - 12:30 p mSession IV: Waves and Patterns
Session Leader: John Merkin, University of Leeds
9:00 - 9:45Hana Sevcikova, Prague Institue of Chemical Technology
Electric field interactions with travelling waves
9:45 - 10.00Discussion
10:00 - 10:30Coffee
10:30 - 11:15Mads Kaern, University of Toronto
The flow-distributed oscillator mechanism of wave formation
11:15 - 11:30Discussion
11:30 - 12:15Irv Epstein, Brandeis University
Global feedback and standing waves in reaction-diffusion systems
12:15 - 12:30Discussion
12:45 - 1:30 p mLunch
1:30 - 4:00 p m Free of all formal activity
4:30 - 6:00 p mPoster session I
6:00 p mDinner
7:30 p m - 9:30 p m Session V: Short talks
Session Leader: Stefan Müller, University of Magdeburg
J. A. Pojman, Y. Chekanov, J. Masere, M. Molden, E. Pettreto and V. Volpert
Effect of geometry and viscosity on spin modes in frontal polymerisation
A. De Wit
Chemical fronts and density fingering
Qi Ouyang and L. Q. Zhou
Spiral instabilities in a reaction-diffusion system
R. Larter
A possible role for calcium waves in the propagation of epileptic seizures
B. Slepchenko
Numerical approach to fast reactions in reaction-diffusion systems: application to buffered calcium waves in bistable models
K. Prank, L. Läer, M. Kloppstech, C. Schöfl, J. Sejnski, G. Babrant and T. J. Sejnowski
Stochastic resonance in hormonal signal transduction through intracellular calcium oscillations
G. A. Frerichs, T. M. Minarik, R. J. Grun and R. C. Thompson
A New pH oscillator: The chlorite-sulfite-sulfuric acid system in a CSTR
M. Orbán, K. Kurin-Csörgei, A. M. Zhabotinsky and I. R. Epstein
Mechanistic studies on the BrO3- -H2PO2- -dual catalyst system
7:30 - 8:30 a mBreakfast
9:00 a m - 12:30 p mSession VI: Periodically-forced spatial systems
Session Leader: Fred Schneider, University of Wurzburg
9:00 - 9:45Anna Lin, University of Texas
Resonant patterns in periodically-forced BZ systems
9:45 - 10.00Discussion
10:00 - 10:30Coffee
10:30 - 11:15Andre Longtin, University of Ottowa
Tuning, phase-locking and feedback in electrosensory systems
11:15 - 11:30Discussion
11:30 - 12:15Aric Hagberg, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Multiphase patterns in periodically forced oscillatory systems
12:15 - 12:30Discussion
12:45 - 1:30 p mLunch
1:30 - 4:00 p mFree of all formal activity
4:30 - 6:00 p mPoster session I
6:00 p mDinner
7:30 p m - 9:30 p m Session VII: Complex systems
Session Leader: Anne De Wit, University of Brussels
7:30 - 8:15Peter Coveney, University of London
Nucleation and growth kinetics
8:15 - 8:30Discussion
8.30 - 9.15Jürgen Vollmer, MPI Mainz
Cascade nucleation in amphiphilic systems
9:15 - 9:30Discussion
7:30 - 8:30 a mBreakfast
9:00 a m - 12:30 p mSession VIII: Combustion, flame and fire
Session Leader: Milos Marek, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology
9:00 - 9:45Caroline Lowe, University of Cambridge
Nonlinearities of a heterogeneous combustion system
9:45 - 10.00Discussion
10:00 - 10:30Coffee
10:30 - 11:15Rod Weber, ADFA, Canberra
Nonlinear aspects of bush fires and flames
11:15 - 11:30Discussion
11.30 - 12.15Dion Vlachos, University of Massachusetts
Nonlinear dynamics in homogeneous and catalytic combustion
12:15 - 12:30Discussion
12:45 - 1:30 p mLunch
1:30 - 4:00 p mFree of all formal activity
4:30 - 6:00 p mPoster session I
6:00 p mDinner
7:30 p m - 9:00 p m Session IX: Short talks
Session Leader: Vilmos Gaspar, University of Debrecen
C. J. Hemming and R. Kapral
Oscillatory systems with spatially inhomogeneous 2:1 resonant forcing
V. Zykov, O. Kheowan and S.C. Müller
New results about the resonance attractor for spiral waves
R. Wackerbauer, Hongyan Sun and K. Showalter
Self-segregation of competitive chaotic population
P. Strizhak, V. Khavrus, O. Didenko and T. Ivashchenko
Application of chaotic regimes for nanotrace analysis
A. Birzu, B. J. Green, J. L. Hudson and N.I. Jaeger
Modelling of spatiotemporal patterns during oscillatory metal electrodissolution
R. Sultan and S. Panjarian
Propagating fronts in Cr(OH)3 precipitation systems in 1D and 2D gelled media
9:00 p m - 9:30 p mBusiness meeting: Chair, Steve Scott
7:30 - 8:30 a mBreakfast
9:00 a m Bus departs

Copyright © 2000 Gordon Research Conferences
Last Updated: 8/8/00 by Jeff