Bibliography of Literature Related to the Effective Interfacial Tension between Miscible Fluids



1)             Korteweg, D. J. "Sur La Forme Que Prennent Les ƒquations Du Mouvements Des Fluides Si L'on Tient Compte Des Forces Capillaires CausŽes Par Des Variations De DensitŽ ConsidŽrables Mais Coninues Et Sur La ThŽorie De La CapillaritŽ Dans L'hypothse D'une Variation Continue De La DensitŽ," Archives NŽerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles 1901, 6, 1-24.


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19)          Antanovskii, L. K. "A Phase Field Model of Capillarity," Phys. Fluids 1995, 7, 747-753.


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21)          Petitjeans, P.; Maxworthy, T. "Miscible Displacements in Capillary Tubes. Part 1. Experiments," J. Fluid Mech. 1996, 326, 37-56.


22)          Petitjeans, P. "Une Tension De Surface Pour Les Fluides Miscibles," C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 1996, 322, 673-679.


23)          Joseph, D. D.; Huang, A.; Hu, H. "Non-Solenoidal Velocity Effects and Korteweg Stresses in Simple Mixtures of Incompressible Fluids," Physica D 1996, 97, 104-125.

24)          Vailati, A.; Giglio, M. "Q Divergence of Nonequilibrium Fluctuations and Its Gravity Induced Frustration in a Temperature Stressed Liquid Mixture," Phys. Rev. Lett. 1996, 77, 1484-1487.


25)          Chen, C.-Y.; Meiburg, E. "Miscible Displacements in Capillary Tubes. Part 2. Numerical Simulations," J. Fluid Mech. 1996, 326, 57-90.


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32)          Vailati, A.; Giglio, M. "Nonequilibrium Fluctuations in Time-Dependent Diffusion Processes," Phys. Rev. E 1998, 58, 4361-4371.


33)          Vlad, D. H.; Maher, J. V. "Dissolving Interfaces in the Presence of Gravity," Physical Review E. 1999, 59, 476-478.


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35)          Brogioli, D.; Vailati, A.; Giglio, M. "Universal Behavior of Nonequilibrium Fluctuations in Free Diffusion Processes," Phys. Rev. E 2000, 61, R1-R4.


36)          Brogioli, D.; Vailati, A.; Giglio, M. "Giant Fluctuations in Diffusion Processes," J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2000, 12, A39ÐA46.


37)          Cicuta, P.; Vailati, A.; Giglio, M. "Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Fluctuations at the Interface between Two Fluid Phases," phys. Rev. E 2000, 62, 4920-4926.


38)          Texier-Picard, R.; Pojman, J. A.; Volpert, V. A. "Effect of Interfacial Tension on Propagating Polymerization Fronts," Chaos 2000, 10, 224-230.


39)          Denniston, C.; Robbins, M. O. "Molecular and Continuum Boundary Conditions Fro a Miscible Binary Fluid," Phys Rev Lett. 2001, 87, 178302.


40)          Santonicola, G.; Mauri, R.; Shinnar, R. "Phase Separation of Initially Inhomogeneous Liquid Mixtures," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2001, 40, 2004-2010.


41)          Chen, C.-Y.; Wang, L.; Meiburg, E. "Miscible Droplets in a Porous Medium and the Effect of Korteweg Stresses," Phys. Fluids 2001, 13, 2447-2456.


42)          Meiburg, E.; Chen, C.-Y.; Wang, L.-L. "The Dynamics of Miscible Interfaces and the Effects of Korteweg Stresses," Trans. Aero. Astro. Soc. R. O. C. 2001, 33, 7-?


43)          Cicuta, P.; Vailati, A.; Giglio, M. "Capillary-to-Bulk Crossover of Nonequilibrium Fluctuations in the Free Diffusion of a near-Critical Binary Mixture," Applied Optics 2001, 40, 4140-4146.


44)          Volpert, V. A.; Pojman, J. A.; Texier-Picard, R. "Convection Induced by Composition Gradients in Miscible Systems," C. R. Mecanique 2002, 330, 353-358.


45)          Chen, M. H.; Nauman, E. B. "Non-Linear Diffusion with Concentration-Driven Flows in Miscible Systems," Polymer 2003, 44, 6707-6712.


46)          Mauri, R.; Califano, F.; Calvi, E.; Gupta, R.; Shinnar, R. "Convection-Driven Phase Segregation of Deeply Quenched Liquid Mixtures," J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 118, 8841-8846.


47)          Chen, C.-Y.; Meiburg, E. "Miscible Displacements in Capillary Tubes: Influence of Korteweg Stresses and Divergence Effects," Phys. Fluids 2003, 14, 2052-2058.


48) Chen, C. Y. "Numerical Simulations of Fingering Instabilities in Miscible Magnetic Fluids in a Hele-Shaw Cell and the Effects of Korteweg Stresses," Physics of Fluids 2003, 15, 1086-1089.


49)          Bessonov, N.; Pojman, J. A.; Volpert, V. "Modelling of Diffuse Interfaces with Temperature Gradients," J. Engineering Math. 2004, 49, 321-338.


50)          Bessonov, N.; Pojman, J.; Volpert, V. "Modelling of Miscible Liquids and Microgravity Experiments," Matapli (Journal of Le SociŽtŽ de MathŽmatiques  AppliquŽes &  Industrielle) 2004, 75, 51-66.


51)          Califano, F.; Mauri, R.; Shinnar, R. "Large Scale, Unidirectional Convection During Phase Separation of a Density Matched Liquid Mixture," Phys. Fluids 2005, 17, 094109.


52)          Lamorgese, A.; Mauri, R. "Nucleation and Spinodal Decomposition of Liquid Mixtures," Phys. Fluids 2005, 17, 034107.


53)          Bessonov, N.; Volpert, V. A.; Pojman, J. A.; Zoltowski, B. D. "Numerical Simulations of Convection Induced by Korteweg Stresses in Miscible Polymer- Monomer Systems," Microgravity Sci. Tech. 2005, XVII, 8-12.


54)          Sugii, Y.; Okamoto, K.; Hibara, A.; Tokeshi, M.; Kitamori, T. "Effect of Korteweg Stress in Miscible Liquid Two-Layer Flow in a Microfluidic Device," J. Visualization 2005, 8, 117-124.


55)          Chen, C.-Y.; Liu, Y.-C. "Fingering Instabilities of a Miscible Fluid Annulus on a Rotating Hele-Shaw Cell," Int. J. Dyn. Fluids 2005, 1, 55-66.


56)          Lamorgese, A. G.; Mauri, R. "Mixing of Macroscopically Quiescent Liquid Mixtures," Phys. Fluids 2006, 18, 044107.


57)          Gaponenko, Y.; Volpert, V.; Zen'kovskaya, S.; Pojman, J. "Effect of High-Frequency Vibration on Convection in Miscible Fluids," J. Appl. Mech.& Tech. Phys. 2006, 47, 190-198.


58)          Pojman, J. A.; Whitmore, C.; Turco Liveri, M. L.; Lombardo, R.; Marszalek, J.; Parker, R.; Zoltowski, B. "Evidence for the Existence of an Effective Interfacial Tension between Miscible Fluids: Isobutyric Acid-Water and 1-Butanol-Water in a Spinning-Drop Tensiometer," Langmuir 2006, 22, 2569-2577.


59)          Pojman, J. A.; Bessonov, N.; Volpert, V. "Miscible Fluids in Microgravity (MFMG):  A Zero-Upmass Investigation on the International Space Station," Microgravity Sci. Tech. 2007, XIX,33-41.


60) Zoltowski, B.; Chekanov, Y.; Masere, J.; Pojman, J. A.; Volpert, V. "Evidence for the Existence of an Effective Interfacial Tension between Miscible Fluids. 2. Dodecyl Acrylate-Poly(Dodecyl Acrylate) in a Spinning Drop Tensiometer," Langmuir 2007, 23, 5522-5531.


61) Bessonov, N.; Pojman, J.; Viner, G.; Volpert, V.; Zoltwoski, B. "Instabilities of Diffuse Interfaces," Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 2008, 3, 108-125.


62) Chen, C. Y.; Huang, C. W.; Gadelha, H.; Miranda, J. A. "Radial Viscous Fingering in Miscible Hele-Shaw Flows: A Numerical Study," Physical Review E 2008, 78, 15.


63) Morra, G.; Yuen, D. A. "Role of Korteweg Stresses in Geodynamics," Geophysical Research Letters 2008, 35, 5.


64) Viner, G.; Pojman, J. A. "Studying Diffusion of Partially Miscible and Systems near Their Consolute Point by Laser Line Deflection," Optics and Laser in Engineering 2008, 46, 893–899.


65) Valentini, L.; Moore, K. R. "Numerical Modeling of the Development of Small-Scale Magmatic Emulsions by Korteweg Stress Driven Flow," Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2009, 179, 87-95.

66) Swernath, S.; Malengier, B.; Pushpavanam, S. "Effect of Korteweg Stress on Viscous Fingering of Solute Plugs in a Porous Medium," Chem. Eng. Sci.2010, 65, 2284-2291.




 Support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation (CHE-0719099).