Gordon Research Conference


Oscillations & Dynamic Instabilities


Chemical Systems

July 28 - August 2, 2002

Queen's College, Oxford, UK

Conference Program

List of Posters (HTML)

List of Posters (PDF)

Poster Information: Each poster space is 5 ft high by 3 ft wide. These take long drawing-pins and/or velcro (both supplied).


List of Participants

Pictures from the Conference


For information on the Queen's College GRC Site, including travel info.

For information on Gordon Research Conferences.




A limited number of short talks will be accepted. Short talk titles and abstracts should be sent via email to John Pojman by 1700 (US Central Time) April 1, 2002.


Poster titles should be submitted to John Pojman by May 15, 2002.


To apply to participate, click here.



Stefan Müller

Institut fuer Experimentelle Physik, Abt. Biophysik

Otto-von Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg

Universitaetsplatz 2

D-39106 Magdeburg





John A. Pojman

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

University of Southern Mississippi

Hattiesburg, MS