Frontal Polymerization Bibliography

  1. Chechilo, N. M.; Khvilivitskii, R. J.; Enikolopyan, N. S. “On the Phenomenon of Polymerization Reaction Spreading,” Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 1972204, 1180-1181.

  2. Butakov, A. A.; Maksimov, E. I. “An experimental study of the heat regimes of tubular reactor,”Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 1973209, 643.

  3. Begishev, V. P.; Volpert, V. A.; Davtyan, S. P.; Malkin, A. Y. “On some Features of the Process of Anionic Activated Polymerization of e-caprolactams under Conditions of Wave Propagation,” Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 1973208, 892.
  4. Begishev, V. P.; Volpert, V. A.; Davtyan, S. P.; Malkin, A. Y. “On some Features of the Process of Anionic Activated Polymerization of e-caprolactams under Conditions of Wave Propagation,” Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 1973208, 892.
  5. Khanukaev, B. B.; Kozhushner, M. A.; Enikolopyan, N. S. “Theory of the Propagation of a Polymerization Front,”Dokl. Phys. Chem. 1974214, 84-87.
  6. Khanukaev, B. B.; Kozhushner, M. A.; Enikolopyan, N. S. “Theory of Polymerization-Front Propagation,”Combust. Explos. Shock Waves 197410, 562-568.
  7. Enikolopyan, N. S.; Kozhushner, M. A.; Khanukaev, B. B. “Molecular Weight Distribution during Isothermal and Frontal Polymerization,”Doklady Phys. Chem. 1974217, 676-678.
  8. Chechilo, N. M.; Enikolopyan, N. S. “Structure of the Polymerization Wave Front and Propagation Mechanism of the Polymerization Reaction,”Dokl. Phys. Chem. 1974214, 174-176.
  9. Chechilo, N. M.; Enikolopyan, N. S. “Effect of the Concentration and Nature of Initiators on the Propagation Process in Polymerization,”Dokl. Phys. Chem. 1975221, 392-394.
  10. Aleksanyan, G. G.; Arutyunyan, K. A.; Bodneva, V. L.; Davtyan, S. P.; Prut, E. V.; Rozenberg, B. A.; Shkadinskii, K. G.; Yenikolopyan, N. S. “Some Rules Governing the Extension of the Front of Radical Polymerization of Vinyl Monomers,”Polym. Sci. USSR 1975A17, 1052-1059.
  11. Chechilo, N. M.; Enikolopyan, N. S. “Effect of Pressure and Initial Temperature of the Reaction Mixture during Propagation of a Polymerization Reaction,”Dokl. Phys. Chem. 1976230, 840-843.
  12. Arutiunian, K. A.; Davtyan, S. P.; Rozenberg, B. A.; Enikolopyan, N. S. “Curing of epoxy resins of bis-phenol A by amines under conditions of reaction front propagation,” Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 1975223, 657-660.
  13. Surkov, N. F.; Davtyan, S. P.; Rozenberg, B. A.; Enikolopyan, N. S. “Calculation of the Steady Velocity of the Reaction Front during Hardening of Epoxy Oligomers by Diamines,”Dokl. Phys. Chem. 1976228, 435-438.
  14. Davtyan, S. P.; Gukasova, E. A.; Makarova, S. B.; Enikolopyan, N. S. “Gel Effect During Adiabatic Polymerization of n-Butyl Methacrylate,”Doklady Phys. Chem. 1976231, 1279-1281.
  15. Davtyan, S. P.; Surkov, N. F.; Rozenberg, B. A.; Enikolopyan, N. S. “Influence of the Gel Effect on the Kinetics of Radical Polymerization under the Conditions of the Polymerization Front Propagation,”Dokl. Phys. Chem. 1977232, 64-67.
  16. Butakov, A. A.; Shtessel, E. A. “The effect of gravitational convection on the regularities of exothermal reactions in tubular reactors,”Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 1977237, 1422.
  17. Davtyan, S. P.; Arutyunyan, K. A.; Shkadinskii, K. G.; Rozenberg, B. A.; Yenikolopyan, N. S. “The Mechanism of Epoxide oligomer hardening by diamines under advancing reaction front conditions,”Polymer Science U.S.S.R. 197819, 3149-3154.
  18. Davtyan, S. P.; Gel’man, E. A.; Karyan, A. A.; Tonoyan, A. O.; Enikolopyan, N. S. “Applicability of the Principle of Quasistationary concentrations to the Radical Polymerization of vinyl monomers under Adiabatic Conditions,”Doklady Phys. Chem. 1980253, 579-582.
  19. Strunina, A. G.; Dvoryankin, A. V. Dokl. Phys. Chem. 1981260, 1185-1188.
  20. Gel’man, E. A.; Karyan, A. A.; Davtyan, S. P.; Vol’pert, A. I. “Applicability of Principle of Quasistationary concentrations in Calculating Molecular Weight Distribution for Processes of Radical Polymerization of Vinyl Monomers under nonisothermal Conditions,”Doklady Phys. Chem. 1981260, 971-974.
  21. Volpert, V. A.; Davtyan, S. P. “Wave existence in the simultaneous polymerization and crystallization,”Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 1982268, 62-65.
  22. Gusika, P. L. “Theory of Polymerization Front Propagation in a Suspension,”Khim. Fiz. 19827, 988-993.
  23. Volpert, V. A.; Davtyan, S. P. “Existence of the polymerization wave with crystallization of the initial substance,”Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 1983273, 1155-1158.
  24. Begishev, V. P.; Volpert, V. A.; Davtyan, S. P.; Malkin, A. Y. “On some Features of the Anionic Activated e-Caprolactam Polymerization Process under Wave Propagation Conditions,”Dokl. Phys. Chem. 1985279, 1075-1077.
  25. Begishev, V. P.; Davtjan, S. P.; Enikalopov, N .S. ; Malkin, A. Ya.; Frunze, T. V.; Kotelnikov, V. A. ; Avakjan, U. A.; Volpert, Vit. A. , “Method of Production of Block Polycaproamide,” Patent No. 1155606 USSR, 1985.
  26. Volpert, V. A.; Mergabova, I. N.; Davtyan, S. P.; Begishev, V. P. “Propagation of the Caprolactam Polymerization Wave,”Combust. Explos. Shock Waves 198621, 443-447.
  27. Zhizhin, G. V.; Segal, A. S.; Babadzhanyan, A. S.; Volpert, V. A.; Davtyan, S. P. “On Stationary States of Spherical and Cylindrical Front of the Reaction in Liquid with Variable Viscosity,”Kinet. Kataliz 198627, 1310-1314.
  28. Babadzhanyan, A. S.; Volpert, V. A.; Davtyan, S. P. “Steady-State Modes of Frontal Polymerization in Radial Symmetric Delivery of the Monomer,”Dokl. Phys. Chem. 1987293, 357-360.
  29. Babadzhanyan, A. S.; Volpert, V. A.; Volpert, V. A.; Davtyan, S. P.; Megrabova, I. N. “Frontal Regimes of the Exothermic Reaction Proceeding by Radially Symmetrical Supply of Reagents,”Combust. Explos. Shock Waves 198824, 711-719.
  30. Barelko, V. V.; Barkalov, I. M.; Goldanskii, V. I.; Kiryukhin, D. P.; Sanin, A. M. “Autowave Modes of Conversion in Low-Temperature Chemical Reactions in Solids,” Adv. Chem. Phys. 198874, 339-385.
  31. Babadzhanyan, A. S.; Volpert, V. A.; Volpert, V. A.; Davtyan, S. P.; Megrabova, I. N. “Stability of frontal regimes for the occurence of an exothermic reaction with radially symmetrical supply of the reagents,”Combust. Explos. Shock Waves 198925, 23-31.
  32. Megrabova, I. N.; Volpert, V. A.; Volpert, V. A.; Davtyan, S. P. “Two-dimensional chemical reaction regimes in a flow,”Dokl. Phys. Chem. 1990307, 618-620.
  33. Pojman, J. A., “Traveling Fronts of Methacrylic Acid Polymerization,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1991113, 6284-6286.
  34. Balcom, B. J.; Carpenter, T. A.; Hall, L. D. “Methacrylic Acid Polymerization. Travelling Waves Observed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging,”Macromolecules 199225, 6818-6823.
  35. Pojman, J. A.; Craven, R.; Khan, A.; West, W. “Convective Instabilities Induced by Traveling Fronts of Addition Polymerization,” J. Phys. Chem.199296, 7466-7472.
  36. White, S. R.; Kim, C., Thermochemical modeling of an economical manufacturing technique for composite structures,37th Int. SAMPE Symp. Exhib., 1992, 240-251.
  37. Volpert, V. A.; Volpert, V. A.; Davtyan, S. P.; Mergabova, I. N.; Surkov, N. F. “Two-Dimensional Combustion Modes in Condensed Flow,”SIAM J. Appl. Math. 199252, 368-383.
  38. White, S. R.; Kim, C. “A Simultaneous Lay-Up and in situ Cure Process for Thick Composites,”J. Reinforced Plastics and Comp. 199312, 520-535.
  39. Pojman, J. A.; Nagy, I. P.; Salter, C. “Traveling Fronts of Addition Polymerization with a Solid Monomer,”J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993115, 11044-11045.
  40. Korotkov, V. N.; Chekanov, Y. A.; Rozenberg, B. A. “The Simultaneous Process of Filament Winding and Curing for Polymer Composites,”Comp. Sci. & Tech. 199347, 383-388.
  41. Solovyov, S. E.; Volpert, V. A.; Davtyan, S. P. “Radially Symmetric Flow of Reacting Liquid with Changing Viscosity,”SIAM J. Appl. Math. 199353, 907-914.
  42. Volpert, Vit. A.; Volpert, Vl. A.; Pojman, J. A. “Effect of Thermal Expansion on Stability of Reaction Front Propagation,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 199414, 2385-2388.
  43. Volpert, V.; Volpert, V. “Propagation of Frontal Polymerization-Crystallization Waves,”Eur. J. Appl. Math. 19945, 201-215.
  44. Savostyanov, V. S.; Kritskaya, D. A.; Ponomarev, A. N.; Pomogailo, A. D. “Thermally Initiated Frontal Polymerization of Transition Metal Nitrate Acrylamide Complexes,”J. Poly. Sci. Part A: Poly. Chem. 199432, 1201-1212.
  45. Pojman, J. A.; Willis, J.; Fortenberry, D.; Ilyashenko, V.; Khan, A. “Factors Affecting Propagating Fronts of Addition Polymerization: Velocity, Front Curvature, Temperature Profile, Conversion and Molecular Weight Distribution,” J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym Chem. 199533, 643-652.
  46. Pojman, J. A.; Ilyashenko, V. M.; Khan, A. M. “Spin Mode Instabilities in Propagating Fronts of Polymerization,” Physica D 199584, 260-268.
  47. Nagy, I. P.; Sike, L.; Pojman, J. A. “Thermochromic Composite Prepared Via a Propagating Polymerization Front,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995117, 3611-3612.
  48. Ilyashenko, V.; Solovyov, S.; Pojman, J. A. “Theoretical Aspects of Self-Propagating Reaction Fronts in Condensed Medium,” AIChE Journal 199541, 2631-2636.
  49. Kim, C.; Teng, H.; Tucker, C. L.; White, S. R. “The Continuous Curing Process for Thermoset Polymer Composites. Part 1: Modeling and Demonstration,”J. Comp. Mater. 199529, 1222-1253.
  50. Nagy, I. P.; Sike, L.; Pojman, J. A., “Thermochromic Composites and Propagating Polymerization Fronts,” Adv. Mat. 19957, 1038-1040.
  51. Szalay, J.; Nagy, I. P.; Barkai, I.; Zsuga, M. “Conductive Composites Prepared via a Propagating Polymerization Front,”Die Ang. Makr. Chem. 1996236, 97-109.
  52. Volpert, V.; Volpert, V. A.; Pojman, J. A.; Solovyov, S. E. “Hydrodynamic Stability of a Polymerization Front,” Eur. J. Appl. Math. 19967, 303-320.
  53. Garbey, M.; Taik, A.; Volpert, V. “Linear Stability Analysis of Reaction Fronts in Liquids,”Quart. Appl. Math. 199654, 225-247.
  54. Pojman, J. A.;Willis, J. R.; Khan , A. M.; West, W. W., “The True Molecular Weight Distributions of Acrylate Polymers formed in Propagating Fronts,” J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym Chem. 199634, 991-995.
  55. Nagy, I. P.; Pojman, J. A., “Suppressing Convective Instabilities in Propagating Fronts by Tube Rotation,” J. Phys. Chem. 1996100, 3299-3304.
  56. Volpert, V.; Volpert, V. A.; Pojman, J. A.; Solovyov, S. E. “Hydrodynamic Stability of a Polymerization Front,”Eur. J. Appl. Math. 19967, 303-320.
  57. Pojman, J. A.; Ilyashenko, V. M.; Khan, A. M. “Free-Radical Frontal Polymerization: Self-Propagating Thermal Reaction Waves,”J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 199692, 2824-2836.
  58. Pojman, J. A.; Curtis, G.; Ilyashenko, V. M. “Frontal Polymerization in Solution,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996115, 3783-3784.
  59. Khan, A. M.; Pojman, J. A. “The Use of Frontal Polymerization in Polymer Synthesis,”Trends Polym. Sci. (Cambridge, U.K.) 19964, 253-257.
  60. Volpert, V. A.; Volpert, V. A.; Garbey, M.; Pojman, J. A. Stability of Reaction Fronts: in Gas-Phase Chemical Reaction Systems: Experiments and Models 100 Years after Max Bodenstein; Wolfrum, J.; Volpp, H.-R.; Rannacher, R. Warnatz, J., Ed.; Springer Berlin: Heidelberg, 1996; pp 309-317.
  61. Goldfeder, P. M.; Volpert, V. A.; Ilyashenko, V. M.; Khan, A. M.; Pojman, J. A.; Solovyov, S. E. “Mathematical Modeling of Free-Radical Polymerization Fronts,”J. Phys. Chem. B 1997101, 3474-3482.
  62. Pojman, J. A.; Elcan, W.; Khan, A. M.; Mathias, L. “Binary Polymerization Fronts: A New Method to Produce Simultaneous Interpenetrating Polymer Networks (SINs),”J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym Chem. 199735, 227-230.
  63. Apostolo, M.; Tredici, A.; Morbidelli, M.; Varma, A. “Propagation Velocity of the Reaction Front in Addition Polymerization Systems,”J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym Chem. 199735, 1047-1059.
  64. Bowden, G.; Garbey, M.; Ilyashenko, V. M.; Pojman, J. A.; Solovyov, S.; Taik, A.; Volpert, V. “The Effect of Convection on a Propagating Front with a Solid Product: Comparison of Theory and Experiments,”J. Phys. Chem. B 1997101, 678-686.
  65. Solovyov, S. E.; Ilyashenko, V. M.; Pojman, J. A. “Numerical Modeling of Self-Propagating Fronts of Addition Polymerization: The Role of Kinetics on Front Stability,” Chaos 19977, 331-340.
  66. Pojman, J. A.; West, W. W.; Simmons, J. “Propagating Fronts of Polymerization in the Physical Chemistry Laboratory,” J. Chem. Ed. 199774, 727-730.
  67. Pojman, J.; Fortenberry, D.; Ilyashenko, V. “Frontal Polymerization as an Analog of SHS,” Int. J. Self-Propag. High-Temp. Synth. 19976, 355-376.
  68. Chekanov, Y.; Arrington, D.; Brust, G.; Pojman, J. A. “Frontal Curing of Epoxy Resin: Comparison of Mechanical and Thermal Properties to Batch Cured Materials,”J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 199766, 1209-1216.
  69. Pojman, J. A.; Khan, A. M.; Mathias, L. J. “Frontal Polymerization in Microgravity: Results from the Conquest I Sounding Rocket Flight,”Microg. sci. technol. 1997X, 36-40.
  70. Galyagin, K. S.; Vakhrameev, E. I. “Numerical Calculation of the Frontal Polymerisation of a Thermoplastic in a Cylindrical Reactor,” International Polymer Science and Technology 199725(5), 35-38.
  71. Coons, L. S.; Rangarajan, B.; Godshall, D.; Scranton, A. B. Photopolymerization of Vinyl Ester: Glass Fiber Composites: in Photopolymerization: Fundamentals and Applications, ACS Symposium Series 673; Scranton, A. B.; Bowman, C. N. Peiffer, R. W., Ed.; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997; pp 203-218.
  72. Srivastava, P. K.; Majhi, S. S.; Rastogi, R. P.; Hanazaki, I. “Color Bands in Methacrylic Acid Polymerization,” Chem. Ltts. 199827, 1251-1252.
  73. Tredici, A.; Pechhini, R.; Sliepcevich, A.; Morbidelli, M. “Polymer Blends by Self-Propagating Frontal Polymerization,”J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 199870, 2695-2702.
  74. Tredici, A.; Pecchini, R.; Morbidelli, M. “Self-Propagating Frontal Copolymerization,” J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym Chem. 199836, 1117-1126.
  75. Volpert, V. A.; Volpert, V. A.; Ilyashenko, V. M.; Pojman, J. A. “Frontal Polymerization in a Porous Medium,”Chem. Eng. Sci. 199853, 1655-1665.
  76. Fortenberry, D. I.; Khan, A.; Ilyashenko, V. M.; Pojman, J. A. Frontal Polymerization: Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis of Polymeric Materials: in Synthesis and Characterization of Advanced Materials, ACS Symposium Series No. 681; Serio, M. A.; Gruen, D. M. Malhotra, R., Ed.; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998; pp 220-235.
  77. Volpert, Vit; Volpert, Vl.; Ilyashenko, V.; Pojman, J. A. “Frontal Polymerization in a Porous Medium,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 199853, 1655-1665.
  78. Ilyashenko, V. M.; Pojman, J. A. “Single Head Spin Modes in Frontal Polymerization,”Chaos 19988, 285-289.
  79. Masere, J.; Pojman, J. A. “Free Radical-Scavenging Dyes as Indicators of Frontal Polymerization Dynamics,”J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 199894, 919-922.
  80. McCaughey, B.; Pojman, J. A.; Simmons, C.; Volpert, V. A. “The Effect of Convection on a Propagating Front with a Liquid Product: Comparison of Theory and Experiments,”Chaos 19988, 520-529.
  81. Pojman, J. A.; Gunn, G.; Patterson, C.; Owens, J.; Simmons, C. “Frontal Dispersion Polymerization,” J. Phys. Chem. B1998102, 3927-3929.
  82. Goldfeder, P. M.; Volpert, V. A. “Nonadiabatic frontal polymerization,”J. Eng. Math. 199834, 301-318.
  83. Goldfeder, P. M.; Volpert, V. A. “A model of frontal polymerization including the gel effect,”Math. Problems in Engin. 19984, 377-391.
  84. Galgyin, K. S.; Vakhrameev, E. L. “Numerical Calculation of the Frontal Polymerisation of a Thermoplastic in a Cylindrical Reactor,” International. Polym. Sci. & Tech. 199825, 35-38.
  85. Masere,J.; Stewart, F.; Meehan, T.; Pojman, J. A. “Period-doubling Behavior in Frontal Polymerization of Multifunctional Acrylates,” Chaos19999, 315-322
  86. Pojman, J. A.; Fortenberry, D.; Lewis, L. L.; Simmons, C.; Ilyashenko, V. Solvent-Free Synthesis by Free-Radical Frontal Polymerization: in Solvent-Free Polymerizations and Processes, ACS Symposium Series No. 713; Long, T. E. Hunt, M. O., Ed.; American Chemical Society: Washington, D.C., 1998; pp 140-153.
  87. Garbey, M.; Tromeur-Dervout, D. “A New Parallel Solver for the Nonperiodic Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations with a Fourier Method: Application to Frontal Polymerization,”J. Comp. Phys. 1998145, 316-331.
  88. Barelko, V. V.; Pomogailo, A. D.; Dzhardimalieva, G. I.; Evstratova, S. I.; Rozenberg, A. S.; Uflyand, I. E. “The Autowave Modes of Solid Phase Polymerization of Metal-Containing Monomers in Two- and Three-Dimensional Fiberglass-Filled Matrices,”Chaos 19999, 342-347.
  89. Szalay, J.; Nagy, I.; Bayai, I.; DeaK, G.; Bazsa, G.; Zsuga, M. “High Temperature Copolymerization of Styrene and Maleic Anhydride in Propagating Polymerization Front,” Macromol. Rapid Comm. 199920, 315-318.
  90. Goldfeder, P. M.; Volpert, V. A. “A Model of Frontal Polymerization Using Complex Initiation,” Math. Problems in Enginering 19995, 139-160.
  91. Schult, D. A.; Volpert, V. A. “Linear Stability Analysis of Thermal Free Radical Polymerization Waves,”Int. J. Self-Propag. High-Temp. Synth. 19998, 417-440.
  92. Kiryukhin, D. P.; Barelko, V. V.; Barkalov, I. M. “Traveling Waves of Cryochemical Reaction in Radiolyzed Systems (Review),” High Energy Chemistry 199933, 133-144.
  93. Spade, C. A.; Volpert, V. A. “On The Steady State Approximation in Thermal Free Radical Frontal Polymerization,”Chem. Eng. Sci. 200055, 641-654.
  94. Fortenberry, D. I.; Pojman, J. A. “Solvent-Free Synthesis of Polyacrylamide by Frontal Polymerization,”J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym Chem. 200038, 1129-1135
  95. Texier-Picard, R.; Pojman, J. A.; Volpert, V. A. “Effect of Interfacial Tension on Propagating Polymerization Fronts,”Chaos 200010, 224-230.
  96. Masere, J.; Chekanov, Y..; Warren, J. R.; Stewart, F.; Al-Kaysi, R.; Rasmussen, J. K.; Pojman, J. A. “Gas-free Initiators for High-Temperature Polymerization,”J. Poly. Sci. Part A. Polym. Chem. 200038,  3984-3990.
  97. Chekanov, Y. A.; Pojman, J. A. “Preparation of Functionally Gradient Materials Via Frontal Polymerization,”J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 200078, 2398-2404.
  98. Kiryukhin, D. P.; Barkalov, I. M. “The Autowave Regimes of Cryopolymerization,” Polymer Science Series B 200042, 244-253.
  99. Rosell, A.; Storti, G.; Morbidelli, M. “Reaction Propagation in Frontal Polymerization,” DECHEMA Monographie2001137, 487-494.
  100. Manz, B.; Masere, J.; Pojman, J. A.; Volke, F. “Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Spiral Patterns in Crosslinked Polymer Gels Produced via Frontal Polymerization,”J. Poly. Sci. Part A. Polym. Chem. 200139, 1075-1080.
  101. Allali, K.; Pojman, J.; Volpert, V. “Influence of Vibrations on Convective Instability of Polymerization Fronts,”J. Eng. Math. 200141, 13-31.
  102. Ainsworth, W.; Pojman, J. A.; Chekanov, Y.; Masere, J. Bubble Behavior in Frontal Polymerization: Results from KC-135 Parabolic Flights: in Polymer Research in Microgravity: Polymerization and Processing, ACS Symposium Series No. 793; Downey, J. P. Pojman, J. A., Ed.; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001; pp 112-125.
  103. Mariani, A.; Fiori, S.; Chekanov, Y.; Pojman, J. A. “Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization of Dicyclopentadiene,”Macromolecules 200134, 6539-6541.
  104. Washington, R. P.; Steinbock, O. “Frontal Polymerization Synthesis of Temperature-Sensitive Hydrogels,”J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001123, 7933-7934.
  105. Spade, C. A.; Volpert, V. A. “Linear Stability Analysis of Nonadiabatic Free Radical Polymerization Waves,”Combustion Theory and Modelling 20015, 21-39.
  106. Davtyan, D. S.; Bagdasaryan, A. E.; Tonoyan, A. O.; Davtyan, S. P. “To the Contribution of Thermal Convective Mass Transfer fo the Reactive Mixture Components to Frontal Curing of Epoxydiane Oligomers,” Chem. Phys. Reports 200119, 1757-1765.
  107. Davtyan, S. P.; Hambartsumyan, A. F.; Davtyan, D. S.; Tonoyan, A. O.; Hayrapetyan, S.; Bagyan, S. H.; Manukyan, L. S. “The Structure, Rate and Stability of Autowaves During Polymerization of Co Metal-Complexes with Acrylamide,” European Polymer Journal 200238, 2423-2431.
  108. Pojman, J. A.; Masere, J.; Petretto, E.; Rustici, M.; Huh, D.-S.; Kim, M. S.; Volpert, V. “The Effect of Reactor Geometry on Frontal Polymerization Spin Modes,”Chaos 2002, 56-65.
  109. Bazile Jr., M.; Nichols, H. A.; Pojman, J. A.; Volpert, V. “The Effect of Orientation on Thermoset Frontal Polymerization,”J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym Chem. 2002, 40, 3504-3508.
  110. Pojman, J. A.; Volpert, V. A.; Volpert, V. A. “Nonlinear Dynamics of SHS-Like Processes in Polymer Chemistry” in Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Materials; A. A. Borisov, L. T. De Luca., A. G. Merzhanov, Ed.; Taylor and Francis:  New York, 2002; pp 99-118.
  111. Fiori, S.; Mariani, A.; Ricco, L.; Russo, S. “Interpenetrating Polydicyclopentadiene/Polyacrylate Networks Obtained by Simultaneous Non-interfering Frontal Polymerization,”e-Polymers 200229, 1-10.
  112. Fiori, S.; Malucelli, G.; Mariani, A.; Ricco, L.; Casazza, E. “Synthesis and Characterization of a Polyester/Styrene Resin obtained by Frontal Polymerization,” e-Polymers 200257, 1-10.
  113. Dzhardimalieva, G. I.Pomogailo, A.D.; Volpert, Vit .A. “Frontal Polymerization of Metal-Containing Monomers: A Topical Review,”Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers 200212, 1-21.
  114. Gill, N.; Pojman, J. A.; Willis, J.; Whitehead, J. B. “Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) Materials Fabricated Using Frontal Polymerization,”J. Poly. Sci. Part A. Polym. Chem200341, 204-212
  115. Perry, M.F.; Volpert, Vl, A; Lewis, L. L.; Nichols, H. A.; Pojman, J. A. “Free-radical Frontal Copolymerization: The Dependence of the Front Velocity on the Monomer Feed Composition and Reactivity Ratios,” Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 200312, 276-286.
  116. Fiori, S.; Mariani, A.; Ricco, L.; Russo, S., “First Synthesis of a Polyurethane by Frontal Polymerization,” Macromolecules 200336, 2674-2679.
  117. Mariani, A.; Bidali, S.; Fiori, S.; Malucelli, G.; Sanna, E. “Synthesis and Characterization of a Polyurethane Prepared by Frontal Polymerization,”e-Polymers 200344, 1-9.
  118. Washington, R. P.; Steinbock, O. “Frontal Free-Radical Polymerization: Applications to Materials Synthesis,” Polymer News 200328, 303-310.
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  193. Pojman, J. A.; Viner, V.; Binici, B.; Lavergne, S.; Winsper, M.; Golovaty, D.; Gross, L. “Snell’s Law of Refraction Observed in Thermal Frontal Polymerization,” Chaos 200717, 033125.
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  252. Morales, A.; Pojman, J. A. “A Study of the Effects of Thiols on the Frontal Polymerization and Pot Life of Multifunctional Acrylate Systems Initiated by Cumene Hydroperoxide,” J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem201351, 3850-3855.
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  261. Scognamillo, S.; Bounds, C.; Thakuri, S.; Mariani, A.; Wu, Q.; Pojman, J. A. “Frontal Cationic Curing of Epoxy Resins in the Presence of Defoaming or Expanding Compounds,” J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014131, 40339-40349.
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  279. Nuvoli, D.; Alzari, V.; Pojman, J.; Sanna, V.; Ruiu, A.; Sanna, D.; Malucelli, G.; Mariani, A. “Synthesis and Characterization of Functionally Gradient Materials Obtained by Frontal Polymerization,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interface20157, 3600−3606.
  280. Kalinina, K. S.; Golubeva, N. D.; Dzhardimalieva, G. I.; Pomogailo, A. D. “Macromolecular Acrylamide Complexes of Rhodium: Synthesis and Characterization,” Macromolecular Symposia 2015351, 81-86.
  281. Illescas, J.; Ramírez-Fuentes, Y. S.; Zaragoza-Galán, G.; Porcu, P.; Mariani, A.; Rivera, E. “Pegda-Based Luminescent Polymers Prepared by Frontal Polymerization,” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 201553, 2890-2897.
  282. Singh, S.; Singh, A.; Yadav, B. C.; Tandon, P.; Kumar, S.; Yadav, R. R.; Pomogailo, S. I.; Dzhardimalieva, G. I.; Pomogailo, A. D. “Frontal Polymerization of Acrylamide Complex with Nanostructured Zns and Pbs: Their Characterizations and Sensing Applications,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2015207, Part A, 460-469.
  283. Zhang, W.; Yang, S.; Wang, C.-F.; Chen, S. “Anisotropic Biphase Frontal Polymerization toward in Situ Generation of Dual-Component Polymers,” Macromolecules 201548, 5543-5549.
  284. Alzari, V.; Nuvoli, D.; Sanna, D.; Ruiu, A.; Mariani, A. “Effect of Limonene on the Frontal Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization of Dicyclopentadiene,” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistr201654, 63-68.
  285. Nuvoli, D.; Alzari, V.; Nuvoli, L.; Rassu, M.; Sanna, D.; Mariani, A. “Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(2-Hydroxyethylacrylate)/Β-Cyclodextrin Hydrogels Obtained by Frontal Polymerization,” Carbohydrate Polymers 2016150, 166-171.
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  288. Holt, T.; Fazende, K.; Jee, E.; Wu, Q.; Pojman, J. A. “Cure-on-Demand Wood Adhesive Based on the Frontal Polymerization of Acrylates,” J. Appl. Polym. Sci2016133, 44064.
  289. Tonoyan, A. O.; Kotikyan, S. Y.; Davtyan, S. P. “Analogies between Chemical and Biological Processes Occurring in Autowave Mode,” Rev. J. Chem20166, 218–251.
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  292. Rassu, M.; Alzari, V.; Nuvoli, D.; Nuvoli, L.; Sanna, D.; Sanna, V.; Malucelli, G.; Mariani, A. “Semi-Interpenetrating Polymer Networks of Methyl Cellulose and Polyacrylamide Prepared by Frontal Polymerization,”J. Polym. Sci. A Polym. Chem 201755, 1268-1274.
  293. Du, X.-Y.; Liu, S.-S.; Wang, C.-F.; Wu, G.; Chen, S. “Facile Synthesis of Self-Healing Gel Via Magnetocaloric Bottom-Ignited Frontal Polymerization,” J. Polym. Sci. A Polym. Chem201755, 2585-2593.
  294. Sanna, D.; Alzari, V.; Nuvoli, D.; Nuvoli, L.; Rassu, M.; Sanna, V.; Mariani, A. “Β-Cyclodextrin-Based Supramolecular Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) Hydrogels Prepared by Frontal Polymerization,” Carbohydrate Polymers 2017166, 249-255.
  295. Tullier, M. P.; Pojman, J. A. “Cure-on-Demand Acrylamide Grout Using Frontal Polymerization,” J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 201729, 06017014.
  296. Lecompère, M.; Allonas, X.; Maréchal, D.; Criqui, A. “Versatility of Pyrylium Salt/Vinyl Ether Initiating System for Epoxide Dual-Cure Polymerization: Kick-Starting Effect of the Coinitiator,” Macromolecular Rapid Communication201738, 1600660.
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  298. Robertson, I. D.; Dean, L. M.; Rudebusch, G. E.; Sottos, N. R.; White, S. R.; Moore, J. S. “Alkyl Phosphite Inhibitors for Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization Greatly Increase Pot Life,” ACS Macro Letter20176, 609-612.
  299. Fazende, K. F.; Phachansitthi, M.; Mota-Morales, J. D.; Pojman, J. A. “Frontal Polymerization of Deep Eutectic Solvents Composed of Acrylic and Methacrylic Acids,” J. Polym. Sci. A Polym. Chem. 201755, 4046-4050.
  300. Robertson, I. D.; Yourdkhani, M.; Centellas, P. J.; Aw, J. E.; Ivanoff, D. G.; Goli, E.; Lloyd, E. M.; Dean, L. M.; Sottos, N. R.; Geubelle, P. H.; Moore, J. S.; White, S. R. “Rapid Energy-Efficient Manufacturing of Polymers and Composites Via Frontal Polymerization,” Nature 2018, 557, 223-227.
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  304. Goli, E.; Robertson, I. D.; Agarwal, H.; Pruitt, E. L.; Grolman, J. M.; Geubelle, P. H.; Moore, J. S. “Frontal Polymerization Accelerated by Continuous Conductive Elements,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2018136, 47418.
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  307. Birkner, M.; Seifert, A.; Spange, S. “Radical Induced Cationic Frontal Twin Polymerization of Si-Spiro Compound in Combination with Bisphenol-a-Diglycidylether,” Polymer 2019, 160, 19-23.
  308. Zakiev, S. E.; Shershnev, V. A.; Yadav, B. C.; Kvurt, Y. P.; Dzhardimalieva, G. I. “Traveling-Waves of Metal-Containing Monomer Polymerization without Diffusion and Heat-Transfer,” Heliyon 2019, 5, e02829.

  309. Bynum, S.; Tullier, M.; Morejon-Garcia, C.; Guidry, J.; Runnoe, E.; Pojman, J. A. “The Effect of Acrylate Functionality on Frontal Polymerization Velocity and Temperature,” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2019, 57, 982-988.
  310. Carion, P.; Ibrahim, A.; Allonas, X.; Croutxé-Barghorn, C.; L’Hostis, G. “Frontal Free-Radical Photopolymerization of Thick Samples: Applications to Led-Induced Fiber-Reinforced Polymers,” J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 2019, doi:10.1002/pola.29341, 
  311. Chaudhary, P.; Maurya, D. K.; Sikarwar, S.; Yadav, B. C.; Dzhardimalieva, G. I.; Prakash, R. “Development of Nanostructured Nickel Reinforced Polyacrylamide Via Frontal Polymerization for a Reliable Room Temperature Humidity Sensor,” European Polymer Journal 2019, 112, 161-169.
  312. Davtyan, S. P.; Tonoyan, A. O. “Frontal Polymerization in Continuous-Flow Reactors,” Review Journal of Chemistry 2019, 9, 175-196.
  313. González-Henríquez, C. M.; Sarabia Vallejos, M. A.; Rodríguez-Hernández, J. Wrinkles Obtained by Frontal Polymerization/Vitrification: in Wrinkled Polymer Surfaces; Ed.;  2019; pp 63-84.
  314. Irfan, M.; Du, X.-Y.; Xu, X. R.; Shen, R. Q.; Chen, S.; Xiao, J. J. “Synthesis and Characterization of Ph-Sensitive Poly(Ia-Co-Aac-Co-Aam) Hydrogels Via Frontal Polymerization,” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2019, 57, 2214-2221.
  315. Knaack, P.; Klikovits, N.; Tran, A. D.; Bomze, D.; Liska, R. “Radical Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization in Thin Layers,” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2019, 57, 1155-1159.
  316. Li, Q.; Liu, J.-D.; Liu, S.-S.; Wang, C.-F.; Chen, S. “Frontal Polymerization-Oriented Self-Healing Hydrogels and Applications toward Temperature-Triggered Actuators,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2019, 58, 3885-3892.
  317. Liu, H.; Wei, H.; Moore, J. S. “Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Copolymerization: Deviation of Front Velocity from Mixing Rules,” ACS Macro Letters 2019, 8, 846-851.
  318. Pojman, J. A. “Mathematical Modeling of Frontal Polymerization,” Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 2019, 14, 604.
  319. Sangermano, M.; Antonazzo, I.; Sisca, L.; Carello, M. “Photoinduced Cationic Frontal Polymerization of Epoxy–Carbon Fibre Composites,” Polymer International 2019, 68, 1662-1665.
  320. Su, J.; Yang, Y.; Chen, Z.; Zhou, J.; Liu, X.; Fang, Y.; Cui, Y. “Preparation and Performance of Thermosensitive Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) Hydrogels by Frontal Photopolymerization,” Polymer International 2019, 68, 1673-1680.
  321. Uflyand, I. E.; Zhinzhilo, V. A.; Dzhardimalieva, G. I. “New Example of Metal-Containing Monomers for Frontal Polymerization,” ChemistrySelect 2019, 4, 2105-2108.
  322. Zhu, F.; Song, Y.; Liu, S.; Nie, J.; He, Y. “Preparation of Polymerizable Thermal Initiator and Its Application in Photo-Induced Thermal Frontal Polymerization,” European Polymer Journal 2019, 118, 107-112.
  323. Bansal, K.; Pojman, J. A.; Webster, D.; Quadir, M. “Frontal Polymerization of a Thin Film on a Wood Substrate,” ACS Macro Letters 2020, 9, 169-173.
  324. Dean, L. M.; Ravindra, A.; Guo, A. X.; Yourdkhani, M.; Sottos, N. R. “Photothermal Initiation of Frontal Polymerization Using Carbon Nanoparticles,” ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2020
  325. Ebner, C.; Mitterer, J.; Eigruber, P.; Stieger, S.; Riess, G.; Kern, W. “Ultra-High through-Cure of (Meth)Acrylate Copolymers Via Photofrontal Polymerization,” Polymers 2020, 12, 
  326. Gachet, B.; Lecompère, M.; Croutxé-Barghorn, C.; Burr, D.; L’Hostis, G.; Allonas, X. “Highly Reactive Photothermal Initiating System Based on Sulfonium Salts for the Photoinduced Thermal Frontal Cationic Polymerization of Epoxides: A Way to Create Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Polymers,” RSC Advances 2020, 10, 41915-41920.
  327. Gary, D. P.; Bynum, S.; Thompson, B. D.; Groce, B. R.; Sagona, A.; Hoffman, I. M.; Morejon-Garcia, C.; Weber, C.; Pojman, J. A. “Thermal Transport and Chemical Effects of Fillers on Free-Radical Frontal Polymerization,” Journal of Polymer Science 2020, 58, 2267-2277.
  328. Goli, E.; Gai, T.; Geubelle, P. H. “Impact of Boundary Heat Losses on Frontal Polymerization,” J Phys Chem B 2020, 124, 6404-6411.
  329. Goli, E.; Parikh, N. A.; Yourdkhani, M.; Hibbard, N. G.; Moore, J. S.; Sottos, N. R.; Geubelle, P. H. “Frontal Polymerization of Unidirectional Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Composites,” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2020, 130, 
  330. Goli, E.; Peterson, S. R.; Geubelle, P. H. “Instabilities Driven by Frontal Polymerization in Thermosetting Polymers and Composites,” Composites Part B: Engineering 2020, 199, 108306.
  331. Goli, E.; Vyas, S.; Koric, S.; Sobh, N.; Geubelle, P. H. “Chemnet: A Deep Neural Network for Advanced Composites Manufacturing,” J Phys Chem B 2020, 124, 9428-9437. Hu, G.; Fu, W.; Ma, Y.; Zhou, J.; Liang, H.; Kang, X.; Qi, X. “Rapid Preparation of Mwcnts/Epoxy Resin Nanocomposites by Photoinduced Frontal Polymerization,” Materials (Basel) 2020, 13, 
  332. Ivanoff, D. G.; Sung, J.; Butikofer, S. M.; Moore, J. S.; Sottos, N. R. “Cross-Linking Agents for Enhanced Performance of Thermosets Prepared Via Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization,” Macromolecules 2020, 53, 8360-8366.
  333. Li, F.; Song, Y.; Yao, M.; Nie, J.; He, Y. “Design and Properties of Novel Photothermal Initiators for Photoinduced Thermal Frontal Polymerization,” Polymer Chemistry 2020, 11, 3980-3986.
  334. Malik, M. S.; Schlogl, S.; Wolfahrt, M.; Sangermano, M. “Review on Uv-Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization of Epoxy Monomers,” Polymers (Basel) 2020, 12, 
  335. Pojman, J. A. “Cure-on Demand Materials Based on Frontal Polymerization,” CSJ (Chem. Soc. Jpn.) Current Review 2020, 35, 163 -169.
  336. Stawiasz, K. J.; Paul, J. E.; Schwarz, K. J.; Sottos, N. R.; Moore, J. S. “Photoexcitation of Grubbs’ Second-Generation Catalyst Initiates Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization,” ACS Macro Letters 2020, 1563-1568.
  337. Tonoyan, A. O.; Varderesyan, A. Z.; Ketyan, A. G.; Minasyan, A. H.; Hovnanyan, K. O.; Davtyan, S. P. “Continuous Reactors of Frontal Polymerization in Flow for the Synthesis of Polyacrylamide Hydrogels with Prescribed Properties,” Journal of Polymer Engineering 2020, 40, 601.
  338. Tran, A. D.; Koch, T.; Knaack, P.; Liska, R. “Radical Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization for Preparation of Epoxy Composites,” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2020, 132, 105855.
  339. Vyas, S.; Zhang, X.; Goli, E.; Geubelle, P. H. “Frontal Vs. Bulk Polymerization of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Matrix Composites,” Composites Science and Technology 2020, 198, 108303.
  340. Tran, A. D.; Koch, T.; Liska, R.; Knaack, P. “Radical-Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerisation for Prepreg Technology,” Monatshefte für Chemie – Chemical Monthly 2021.
  341. Chaudhary, P.; Maurya, D. K.; Tripathi, R. K.; Yadav, B. C.; Golubeva, N. D.; Knerelman, E. I.; Uflyand, I. E.; Dzhardimalieva, G. I. “The Synthesis of a Cu0.8 Zn0.2Sb2–Polyacrylamide Nanocomposite by Frontal Polymerization for Moisture and Photodetection Performance,” Materials Advances 20201, 2804-2817.
  342. Alam, S.; Manzur, T.; Banjara, A.; Eklund, S.; Radadia, A.; Johnston, W.; Hashm, H.; Williams, J.; Matthews, J. “Rapid Curing Prospects of Geopolymer Cementitious Composite Using Frontal Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate Monomer,” Construction and Building Materials 2021, 309, 125198.

  343. Allonas, X.; Lecompère, M.; Gachet, B.; Criqui, A.; Maréchal, D.; Croutxé-Barghorn, C. “Pyridines as Retarding Agents in Photoinduced Thermal Frontal Cationic Polymerization of Epoxydes,” Polymer Chemistry 2021,

  344. Alzari, V.; Kamseu, E.; Leonelli, C.; Spinella, A.; Malucelli, G.; Bianco, G.; Nuvoli, D.; Sanna, D.; Armetta, F.; Rassu, M.; Mariani, A. “Organic-Inorganic Materials through First Simultaneous Frontal Polymerization and Frontal Geopolymerization,” Materials Letters 2021, 295, 129808.

  345. Chen, Y.; Li, S.; Yan, S. “Starch as a Reinforcement Agent for Poly(Ionic Liquid) Hydrogels from Deep Eutectic Solvent Via Frontal Polymerization,” Carbohydrate Polymers 2021, 263, 117996.

  346. Cuétara-Guadarrama, F.; Vonlanthen, M.; Sorroza-Martínez, K.; González-Méndez, I.; Rivera, E. “Photoisomerizable Azobenzene Dyes Incorporated into Polymers and Dendrimers. Influence of the Molecular Aggregation on the Nonlinear Optical Properties,” Dyes and Pigments 2021, 194, 109551.

  347. Ebner, C.; Mitterer, J.; Gonzalez-Gutierrez, J.; Rieß, G.; Kern, W. “Resins for Frontal Photopolymerization: Combining Depth-Cure and Tunable Mechanical Properties,” Materials 2021, 14, 

  348. Gao, Y.; Dearborn, M. A.; Hemmer, J.; Wang, Z.; Esser‐Kahn, A. P.; Geubelle, P. H. “Controllable Frontal Polymerization and Spontaneous Patterning Enabled by Phase‐Changing Particles,” Small 2021, 2102217.

  349. Gao, Y.; Shaon, F.; Kumar, A.; Bynum, S.; Gary, D.; Sharp, D.; Pojman, J. A.; Geubelle, P. H. “Rapid Frontal Polymerization Achieved with Thermally Conductive Metal Strips,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 2021, 31, 073113.

  350. Garg, M.; Aw, J. E.; Zhang, X.; Centellas, P. J.; Dean, L. M.; Lloyd, E. M.; Robertson, I. D.; Liu, Y.; Yourdkhani, M.; Moore, J. S.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R. “Rapid Synchronized Fabrication of Vascularized Thermosets and Composites,” Nature Communications 2021, 12, 2836.

  351. Groce, B. R.; Gary, D. P.; Cantrell, J. K.; Pojman, J. A. “Front Velocity Dependence on Vinyl Ether and Initiator Concentration in Radical-Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization of Epoxies,” J. Polym. Sci. 2021, 59, 1678-1685.

  352. Kumar, A.; Gao, Y.; Geubelle, P. H. “Analytical Estimates of Front Velocity in the Frontal Polymerization of Thermoset Polymers and Composites,” Journal of Polymer Science 2021, 59, 1109-1118.

  353. Liang, Y.; Bai, Y.; Xie, A.-Q.; Mao, J.; Zhu, L.; Chen, S. “Solar‐Initiated Frontal Polymerization of Photothermic Hydrogels with High Swelling Properties for Efficient Water Evaporation,” Solar RRL 2021

  354. Lloyd, E. M.; Feinberg, E. C.; Gao, Y.; Peterson, S. R.; Soman, B.; Hemmer, J.; Dean, L. M.; Wu, Q.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R.; Moore, J. S. “Spontaneous Patterning During Frontal Polymerization,” ACS Cent. Sci. 2021, 7, 603–612.

  355. Petko, F.; Świeży, A.; Ortyl, J. “Photoinitiating Systems and Kinetics of Frontal Photopolymerization Processes – the Prospects for Efficient Preparation of Composites and Thick 3d Structures,” Polymer Chemistry 2021, 12, 4593-4612.

  356. Pojman, J. A. “A New Approach to Manufacturing with Frontal Polymerization to Generate Patterned Materials,” ACS Cent. Sci. 2021, 7, 534−535.

  357. Shen, H.; Wang, H. P.; Wang, C. F.; Zhu, L.; Li, Q.; Chen, S. “Rapid Fabrication of Patterned Gels Via Microchannel-Conformal Frontal Polymerization,” Macromol Rapid Commun 2021, 42, e2100421.

  358. Suslick, B. A.; Stawiasz, K. J.; Paul, J. E.; Sottos, N. R.; Moore, J. S. “Survey of Catalysts for Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization,” Macromolecules 2021, 54, 5117-5123.

  359. Tran, A. D.; Koch, T.; Liska, R.; Knaack, P. “Radical-Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerisation for Prepreg Technology,” Monatshefte für Chemie – Chemical Monthly 2021,

  360. Turani, M.; Baggio, A.; Casalegno, V.; Salvo, M.; Sangermano, M. “An Epoxy Adhesive Crosslinked through Radical‐Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization,” Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2021, 2100495.

  361. Wang, P.; Yang, L.; Gao, S.; Chen, X.; Cao, T.; Wang, C.; Liu, H.; Hu, X.; Wu, X.; Feng, S. “Enhanced Dielectric Properties of High Glass Transition Temperature Pdcpd/Cnt Composites by Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization,” Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials 2021, 117996.

  362. Xin, Y.; Xiao, S.; Pang, Y.; Zou, Y. “Nir-Sensitized Cationic Frontal Polymerization of Vinyl Ether and Epoxy Monomers,” Prog. Org. Coat. 2021, 153, 106149.

  363. Zhang, Z.; Liu, R.; Li, W.; Liu, Y.; Luo, H.; Zeng, L.; Qiu, J.; Wang, S. “Direct Writing of Continuous Carbon Fibers/Epoxy Thermoset Composites with High-Strength and Low Energy-Consumption,” Additive Manufacturing 2021, 102348


  364. Ziaee, M.; Yourdkhani, M. “Effect of Resin Staging on Frontal Polymerization of Dicyclopentadiene,” Journal of Polymer Science 2021, 59, 1732-1739.

  365.  Zhang, Z.; Liu, R.; Li, W.; Liu, Y.; Pei, Z.; Qiu, J.; Wang, S. “Frontal Polymerization-Assisted 3d Printing of Short Carbon Fibers/Dicyclopentadiene Composites,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes 2021, 71, 753-762.

  366. Chaudhary, P.; Maurya, D. K.; Pandey, A.; Verma, A.; Tripathi, R. K.; Kumar, S.; Yadav, B. C. “Design and Development of Flexible Humidity Sensor for Baby Diaper Alarm: Experimental and Theoretical Study,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2022, 350, 130818.

  367. Pojman, J. A. Cure-on-Demand Composites by Frontal Polymerization: in Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering; Ed.; Elsevier:  2022;

  368.  Gao, Y.; Li, S.; Kim, J.-Y.; Hoffman, I.; Vyas, S. K.; Pojman, J. A.; Geubelle, P. H. “Anisotropic Frontal Polymerization in a Model Resin–Copper Composite,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 2022, 32, 013109.

  369. Li, Q.; Shen, H.-X.; Liu, C.; Wang, C.-F.; Zhu, L.; Chen, S. “Advances in Frontal Polymerization Strategy: From Fundamentals to Applications,” Progress in Polymer Science 2022, 127, 101514.

  370. Liu, C.; Li, Q.; Wang, H.; Wang, G.; Shen, H. “Quantum Dots-Loaded Self-Healing Gels for Versatile Fluorescent Assembly,” Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 452.

  371. Malik, M. S.; Wolfahrt, M.; Sangermano, M.; Schlögl, S. “Effect of a Dicycloaliphatic Epoxide on the Thermo‐Mechanical Properties of Alkyl, Aryl Epoxide Monomers Cured Via Uv‐Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization,” Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 20222100976, 10.1002/mame.202100976.

  372. Zhang, Z.; Gao, C.; Liu, R.; Li, W.; Qiu, J.; Wang, S. “Catalyzed Frontal Polymerization-Aided 3d Printing of Epoxy Thermosets,” Additive Manufacturing Letters 2022, 2, 100030.

  373. An, Y.; Jang, J. H.; Youk, J. H.; Yu, W.-R. “Frontally Polymerizable Shape Memory Polymer for 3d Printing of Free-Standing Structures,” Smart Materials and Structures 2022, 31, 025013.

  374. Aw, J. E.; Zhang, X.; Nelson, A. Z.; Dean, L. M.; Yourdkhani, M.; Ewoldt, R. H.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R. “Self-Regulative Direct Ink Writing of Frontally Polymerizing Thermoset Polymers,” Advanced Materials Technologies 2022, n/a, 2200230.

  375. Centellas, P. J.; Yourdkhani, M.; Vyas, S.; Koohbor, B.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R. “Rapid Multiple-Front Polymerization of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites,” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2022, 106931.

  376. Damonte, G.; Maddalena, L.; Fina, A.; Cavallo, D.; Müller, A. J.; Caputo, M. R.; Mariani, A.; Monticelli, O. “On Novel Hydrogels Based on Poly(2-Hydroxyethyl Acrylate) and Polycaprolactone with Improved Mechanical Properties Prepared by Frontal Polymerization,” European Polymer Journal 2022, 171, 

  377. Gary, D. P.; Ngo, D.; Bui, A.; Pojman, J. A. “Charge Transfer Complexes as Dual Thermal/Photo Initiators for Free‐Radical Frontal Polymerization,” J. Polym. Sci. 2022, 60, 1624-1630., 10.1002/pol.20210913

  378.  Jiang, B.; Shi, X.; Zhang, T.; Huang, Y. “Recent Advances in Uv/Thermal Curing Silicone Polymers,” Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 134843.

  379. Lessard, J. J.; Kaur, P.; Paul, J. E.; Chang, K. M.; Sottos, N. R.; Moore, J. S. “Switching Frontal Polymerization Mechanisms: Fromp and Frap,” ACS Macro Letters 2022, 11, 1097-1101.

  380. Li, B.; Xu, X.; Hu, Z.; Li, Y.; Zhou, M.; Liu, J.; Jiang, Y.; Wang, P. “Rapid Preparation of N-Cnts/P(Aa-Co-Am) Composite Hydrogel Via Frontal Polymerization and Its Mechanical and Conductive Properties,” RSC Advances 2022, 12, 19022-19028.

  381. Li, B.; Zhou, M.; Cheng, M.; Liu, J.; Xu, X.; Xie, X. “Rapid Preparation of Zno Nanocomposite Hydrogels by Frontal Polymerization of a Ternary Des and Performance Study,” RSC Adv 2022, 12, 12871-12877.

  382. Ma, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Launay, V.; Le Dot, M.; Liu, S.; Lalevée, J. “How to Overcome the Light Penetration Issue in Photopolymerization? An Example for the Preparation of High Content Iron-Containing Opaque Composites and Application in 3d Printing,” European Polymer Journal 2022, 165, 111011.

  383. Noè, C.; Hakkarainen, M.; Malburet, S.; Graillot, A.; Adekunle, K.; Skrifvars, M.; Sangermano, M. “Frontal‐Photopolymerization of Fully Biobased Epoxy Composites,” Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2022, 2100864.

  384. Tiani, R.; Pojman, J. A.; Rongy, L. “Critical Role of Layer Thickness in Frontal Polymerization,” J. Phys. Chem. B 2022, 126, 3607−3618.


  385. Verma, A.; Chaudhary, P.; Tripathi, R. K.; Yadav, B. C. “Flexible, Environmentally-Acceptable and Long-Durable-Energy-Efficient Novel Ws2–Polyacrylamide Mofs for High-Performance Photodetectors,” Materials Advances 2022, 3, 3994–4005.


  386. Wang, Y. “Modeling the through‐Thickness Frontal Polymerization of Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Thermoset Composites: Effect of Microstructures,” J Appl Polym Sci. 2022, e52735.

  387. Wu, Q. “Uv-Activated Frontal Polymerization for Preparation of Magnetically Oriented Graphene Nanoplatelets/Epoxy Composites,” Materials Letters 2022, 132370.

  388. Yang, Y.; Hu, J.; Liu, J. D.; Qin, Y.; Mao, J.; Liang, Y.; Wang, G.; Shen, H.; Wang, C. F.; Chen, S. “Rapid Synthesis of Biocompatible Bilayer Hydrogels Via Frontal Polymerization,” Journal of Polymer Science 2022, 

  389. Zhao, J.; Liu, J.-D.; Shen, H.; Guo, M.; Li, Q.; Wang, C.-F.; Liu, C.; Chen, S. “Rapid Preparation of Dual Cross-Linked Mechanical Strengthening Hydrogels Via Frontal Polymerization for Use as Shape Deformable Actuators,” ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2022, 4, 1457-1465.

  390. Ziaee, M.; Johnson, J. W.; Yourdkhani, M. “3d Printing of Short-Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoset Polymer Composites Via Frontal Polymerization,” ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2022, 

  391. Majhi, S. S.; Yadav, N.; Chakraborty, A. K. “Development of Periodic Colored Bands Via Frontal Polymerization,” Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 2022, 99, 100721


  392. Davydovich, O.; Paul, J. E.; Feist, J. D.; Aw, J. E.; Balta Bonner, F. J.; Lessard, J. J.; Tawfick, S.; Xia, Y.; Sottos, N. R.; Moore, J. S. “Frontal Polymerization of Dihydrofuran Comonomer Facilitates Thermoset Deconstruction,” Chemistry of Materials 2022, 


  393.  Zhang, Z.; Gao, C.; Liu, R.; Li, W.; Qiu, J.; Wang, S. “Catalyzed Frontal Polymerization-Aided 3d Printing of Epoxy Thermosets,” Additive Manufacturing Letters 2022,2,100030.

  394. Taschner, R.; Liska, R.; Knaack, P. “Iodonium Borate Initiators for Cationic Photopolymerization and Their Application in Radical-Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization,” ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2022,

  395. Zhao, S.; Li, J.; An, M.; Jin, P.; Zhang, X.; Luo, Y. “Energy-Efficient Manufacturing of Polymers with Tunable Mechanical Properties by Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization,” Polymers for Advanced Technologies 202334, 441- 445.

  396. Chen, Z.; Ziaee, M.; Yourdkhani, M.; Zhang, X. “Multiphysics Modeling of Frontal Polymerization-Assisted Layer-by-Layer Additive Manufacturing of Thermoset Polymer Components,” Additive Manufacturing 2022, 103182.

  397. Ghazinezhad, M.; Bozorgian, A.; Dastnaei, P. G. “A Review of Frontal Polymerization in the Chemical Industry,” Int. J. New. Chem. 2022, 9, 623-646.

  398. Kumar, A.; Dean, L. M.; Yourdkhani, M.; Guo, A.; BenVau, C.; Sottos, N. R.; Geubelle, P. H. “Surface Pattern Formation Induced by Oscillatory Loading of Frontally Polymerized Gels,” J. Mech. Phys. Solids 2022, 168, 10.1016/j.jmps.2022.105055

  399. Li, S.; Jiang, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Fu, J.; Yan, S. “Facile Preparation of Stretchable and Multifunctional Ionic Gels Via Frontal Polymerization of Polymerizable Ternary Deep Eutectic Monomers with a Long Pot Life,” Colloid and Polymer Science 2022, 301, 19-29. 10.1007/s00396-022-05035-4

  400. Park, J.; Kwak, S.-Y. “Frontal Polymerization-Triggered Simultaneous Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization and Cross Metathesis Affords Anisotropic Macroporous Dicyclopentadiene Cellulose Nanocrystal Foam,”
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  401. Zhang, Z.; Gao, C.; Liu, R.; Qiu, J.; Pei, Z.; Wang, S. “3d Printing of Frontal-Polymerized Multiscale Epoxy Thermoset and Composites,” Manufacturing Letters 2022, 33, 640-643.

  402. Gary, D. P.; Ngo, D.; Bui, A.; Belgodere, J. A.; Pojman, J. A. “Cure-on-Demand Ultra-High Solid Non-Skid Coatings through Frontal Polymerization,” CoatingsTech 2023, Jan-Feb, 34-44.

  403. Gao, C.; Liu, R.; Li, W.; Qiu, J.; Wang, S. “Collaborative Printing and in-Situ Frontal Curing of Highly-Viscous Thermosetting Composites,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes 2023,89, 1-9.

  404. Gao, Y.; Paul, J. E.; Chen, M.; Hong, L.; Chamorro, L. P.; Sottos, N. R.; Geubelle, P. H. “Buoyancy-Induced Convection Driven by Frontal Polymerization,” Physical Review Letters 2023, 130, 028101.

  405. Zhang, N.-X.; Liu, C.; He, Z.-L.; Li, Q.; Chen, S. “One-Pot Synthesis of Robust Fluorescent Nanocomposite Gel Via Frontal Polymerization,” Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2023, 2200832.

  406. Alzate-Sanchez, D. M.; Yu, C. H.; Lessard, J. J.; Paul, J. E.; Sottos, N. R.; Moore, J. S. “Rapid Controlled Synthesis of Large Polymers by Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization,”
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  408. Zhao, S.; Li, J.; An, M.; Jin, P.; Zhang, X.; Luo, Y. “Energy-Efficient Manufacturing of Polymers with Tunable Mechanical Properties by Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization,”
    Polymers for Advanced Technologies 202334, 441- 445.
  409. Suslick, B. A.; Hemmer, J.; Groce, B. R.; Stawiasz, K. J.; Geubelle, P. H.; Malucelli, G.; Mariani, A.; Moore, J. S.; Pojman, J. A.; Sottos, N. R. “Frontal Polymerizations: From Chemical Perspectives to Macroscopic Properties and Applications,” Chemical Reviews2023, 123, 3237-3298.

  410. Ma, Y.; Liu, Z.; Qian, X.; Zhao, Y.; Li, M.; Li, P. “Effect of Excessive Iodonium Salts on the Properties of Radical-Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization (RICFP) of Epoxy Resin,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2023, 62, 4896-4904.

  411. Staal, J.; Smit, E.; Caglar, B.; Michaud, V. “Thermal Management in Radical Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerisation for Optimised Processing of Fibre Reinforced Polymers,” Composites Science and Technology 2023, 110009.

    • Li, B.; Wu, A.; Hao, W.; Liu, J.; Hu, Z.; Wang, Y. “Preparation of Sa/P(U-Am-ChCl) Composite Hydrogels by Frontal Polymerization and Its Performance Study,” RSC Advances 2023, 13, 11530-11536.
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  413. Qin, Y.; Li, H.; Shen, H.-X.; Wang, C.-F.; Chen, S. “Rapid Preparation of Superabsorbent Self-Healing Hydrogels by Frontal Polymerization,” Gels 2023, 9, 380.

  414. Groce, B. R.; Lane, E. E.; Gary, D. P.; Ngo, D. T.; Ngo, D. T.; Shaon, F.; Belgodere, J. A.; Pojman, J. A. “Kinetic and Chemical Effects of Clays and Other Fillers in the Preparation of Epoxy–Vinyl Ether Composites Using Radical-Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, 15, 19403-19413.

  415. Damonte, G.; Cozzani, M.; Di Lisa, D.; Pastorino, L.; Mariani, A.; Monticelli, O. “Mechanically-Reinforced Biocompatible Hydrogels Based on Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) and Star-Shaped Polycaprolactones,” European Polymer Journal 2023, 112239.

  416.  Davydovich, O.; Greenlee, A. J.; Root, H. D.; Jansen, A. L.; Gallegos, S. C.; Warner, M. J.; Kent, M. S.; Cardenas, J. A.; Appelhans, L. N.; Roach, D. J.; Jones, B. H.; Leguizamon, S. C. “Encapsulated Transition Metal Catalysts Enable Long-Term Stability in Frontal Polymerization Resins,” Macromolecules 2023, 56, 7543–7550.

  417. Wi, E.; Kim, Y. “Infrared Initiation of Frontal Polymerization with Density Variation Multi-Layered Resins for Variable Colored Layers Via Photothermal Effect,” Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 2023, 40, 3039-3045.

  418.  Martínez-Serrano, R. D.; Cuétara-Guadarrama, F.; Vonlanthen, M.; Illescas, J.; Zhu, X.-X.; Rivera, E. “Facile Obtainment of Fluorescent Peg Hydrogels Bearing Pyrene Groups by Frontal Polymerization,” Polymers 2023, 15, 1687.

  419. Naseri, I.; Ashrafi, B.; Jakubinek, M.; Martinez-Rubi, Y.; Yourdkhani, M. “Rapid and Facile Preparation of Nanocomposite Film Heaters for Composite Manufacturing,” Front. Mater. 2023, 10, 1166986.

  420. Wang, J.; Li, H.; Shen, H.-X.; Zhao, W.; Li, Q.; Wang, C.-F.; Chen, S. “Rapid Synthesis of Robust Antibacterial and Biodegradable Hydrogels Via Frontal Polymerization,” Gels 2023, 9, 920.

  421. Tarafdar, A.; Jia, C.; Hu, W.; Hosein, I. D.; Fu, K.; Wang, Y. “Three-Dimensional Modeling of Frontal Polymerization for Rapid, Efficient, and Uniform Thermoset Composites Manufacturing,” Composites Part B: Engineering 2023, 266, 111029.

  422. Groce, B. R.; Ferguson, M. M.; Pojman, J. A. “Thermally Initiated Cationic Frontal Polymerization of Epoxies and Vinyl Ethers through a Lone Onium Salt,” J. Polym. Sci. 2023, 61, 3149–3158.

  423. Joundy, Y.; Rouah, H.; Taik, A. “Influence Study of Perturbations on Inclined Propagation of Reaction Fronts,” Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations 2023, 15, 574-589.


  424. Khiliuta, A. A.; Hryniuk, Y. V. “Influence of the Diameter of a Tubular Reactor and the Direction of Front Propagation on the Process of Frontal Copolymerization of Acrylamide with Sodium Acrylate in Aqueous Solutions,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Chemical Series 2023, 59, 234–241.

  425. Mariani, A.; Malucelli, G. “Polymer Hydrogels and Frontal Polymerization: A Winning Coupling,” Polymers 2023, 15,

  426. Malik, M. S.; Wolfahrt, M.; Schlögl, S. “Redox Cationic Frontal Polymerization: A New Strategy Towards Fast and Efficient Curing of Defect-Free Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites,” RSC Advances 2023, 13, 28993-29003.

  427. chaer, G.; Bretl, T. “Closed‐Loop Control of Front Speed During Frontal Polymerization of Dicyclopentadiene—a Numerical Study,” Advanced Theory and Simulations 2023, 2300015

  428. Qu, X. W.; Li, Q.; Yu, S.; Shen, H.; Chen, S. “Frontal Polymerization for Decomposable Lignin‐Loaded Polymer Materials Towards Water Purification,” ChemistrySelect 2023, 8, e202302046 (1 of 8).

  429. Liu, J.; Li, B.; Wu, A.; Qin, H.; Xu, X.; Yan, S. “Rapid Preparation of Liquid‐Free, Antifreeze, Stretchable, and Ion‐Conductive Eutectic Gels with Good Compression Resistance and Self‐Healing Properties by Frontal Polymerization,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2023, e54231.

  430. Lepcio, P.; Daguerre-Bradford, J.; Cristadoro, A. M.; Schuette, M.; Lesser, A. “Frontally Polymerized Foams: Thermodynamic and Kinetical Aspects of Front Hindrance by Particles,” Materials Horizons 2023, 10, 2989–2996.

  431. Li, B.; Hao, W.; Xu, X.; Liu, J.; Fu, D.; Zhou, M.; Hu, Z. “Preparation and Properties of P(Ia-Co-Aa-Co-Am) Composite Hydrogel Via Frontal Polymerization,” Colloid and Polymer Science 2023, 301, 445–453.

  432. Li, B.; Zhou, M.; Xu, X.; Liu, J.; Hao, W.; Wu, A. “Preparation and Properties of Beta-Cd/P (Am-Co-Aa) Composite Hydrogel by Frontal Polymerization of Ternary Deep Eutectic Solvent,” Polymer International 2023, 72, 664–670.

    • Chen, Z.; Zhang, X. “Manufacturing Multifunctional Vascularized Composites by through-Thickness Frontal Polymerization and Depolymerization: A Numerical Study on the Impact of Sacrificial Fiber Configurations,” Composites Science and Technology 2023, 110394.

  434. Zakoworotny, M.; Balta Bonner, F. J.; Kumar, A.; Aw, J. E.; Tawfick, S. H.; Ewoldt, R. H.; Sottos, N. R.; Geubelle, P. H. “Rheological Modeling of Frontal-Polymerization-Based Direct Ink Writing of Thermoset Polymers,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2024, 418, 116565.

  435. Kumar, A.; Zakoworotny, M.; Bonner, F. J. B.; Aw, J. E.; Sottos, N. R.; Tawfick, S. H.; Geubelle, P. H. “A Thermo-Chemo-Mechanical Model for Material Extrusion of Frontally Polymerizing Thermoset Polymers,” Additive Manufacturing 2024, 80, 103972.

  436. Luo, T.; Ma, Y.; Cui, X. “Review on Frontal Polymerization Behavior for Thermosetting Resins: Materials, Modeling and Application,” Polymers 2024, 16, 185.


    • Malik, M. S.; Wolfahrt, M.; Domínguez Pardo, J. J.; Bublitz, D.; Schlögl, S. “Prospects in the Application of a Frontally Curable Epoxy Resin for Cured-in-Place-Pipe Rehabilitation,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2023, e55024.

  438. Joundy, Y.; Rouah, H.; Taik, A. “Stability Analysis of Polymerization Fronts,” Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2023, 63, 2372-2383.

  439. Groce, B. R.; Aucoin, A. V.; Ullah, M. A.; DiCesare, J.; Wingfield, C.; Sardin, J.; Harris, J. T.; Nguyen, J. C.; Raley, P.; Stanley, S. S.; Palardy, G.; Pojman, J. A. “Free-Standing 3d Printing of Epoxy-Vinyl Ether Structures Using Radical-Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization,” ACS Applied Polymer Materials  2024, 6, 1, 572–582

  440. Wang, H. M.; Suslick, B. A.; Lessard, J. J.; Yu, C. H.; Saengow, C.; Ewoldt, R. H.; Moore, J. S. “Frontal Polymerization of Stereoisomers: Distinct Microstructures and Properties in Endo- and Exo-Dicyclopentadiene Thermosets,” Macromolecules 2024, 57, 142-149.

  441. Tarafdar, A.; Lin, W.; Naderi, A.; Wang, X.; Fu, K.; Hosein, I. D.; Wang, Y. “UV-Induced Frontal Polymerization for Optimized in-Situ Curing of Epoxy Resin for Excellent Tensile and Flexural Properties,” Composites Communications 2024, 46, 101832.

  442.  Li, X.; Cohen, T. “Mechanical Forces Quench Frontal Polymerization: Experiments and Theory,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2024, 183, 105517.

  443. Maugeri, D.; Sangermano, M.; Leterrier, Y. “Radical Photoinduced Cationic Frontal Polymerization in Porous Media,” Polymer International 2021, 70, 269-276.

  444. Lv, X.; Ao, Q.; Jiang, L.; Li, X.; Tong, X.; Song, Y.; Tang, J. “Facile Utilization of Renewable Resources Containing Cyclobutene Mechanophores: Preparation and Properties of High-Toughness Materials with One-Step Cross-Linking by Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization,” ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2024, 12, 2041−2048.


  445. Liu, Q.; Abueidda, D.; Vyas, S.; Gao, Y.; Koric, S.; Geubelle, P. H. “Adaptive Data-Driven Deep-Learning Surrogate Model for Frontal Polymerization in Dicyclopentadiene,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2024, 128, 1220−1230.

  446. Luo, T.; Fu, K.; Zhu, H.; Chen, Y.; Yang, B.; Li, Y. “In-Plane and in-Depth Frontal Polymerization Behaviors of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Composites,” Polymer Composites 2024, 45, 3604-3616.

  447. Zhou, D.-L.; Wang, J.; Bai, H.; Han, D.; Fu, Q. “High-Performance Low-K Poly(Dicyclopentadiene)-Poss Nanocomposites Achieved by Frontal Polymerization,” Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 150140.

  448. Kumar, A.; Zakoworotny, M.; Bonner, F. J. B.; Aw, J. E.; Sottos, N. R.; Tawfick, S. H.; Geubelle, P. H. “A Thermo-Chemo-Mechanical Model for Material Extrusion of Frontally Polymerizing Thermoset Polymers,” Additive Manufacturing 2024, 80, 103972.

  449. Yan, W.; Liu, R.; Fowler, C.; Wang, S.; Qiu, J. “Multiphysics Modeling of Frontal Curing-Enabled Additive Manufacturing for Carbon Fiber/Thermoset Composites,” Computational Materials Science 2024, 237, 112916.

  450.  Zhou, D.-L.; Wang, J.; Bai, H.; Han, D.; Fu, Q. “High-Performance Low-K Poly(Dicyclopentadiene)-Poss Nanocomposites Achieved by Frontal Polymerization,” Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 150140.

  451. Yi, X.; Li, S.; Wen, P.; Yan, S. “Numerical Simulation of Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Prepared Via Thermally Initiated Frontal Polymerization,” Polymers 2024, 16, 873.

  452. Staal, J.; Caglar, B.; Michaud, V. “Self-Catalysed Frontal Polymerisation Enables Fast and Low-Energy Processing of Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites,” Composites Science and Technology 2024, 110584.

  453. Gao, Y.; Paul, J. E.; Chen, M.; Seth, A.; Liu, Q.; Hong, L.; Chamorro, L. P.; Ewoldt, R. H.; Sottos, N. R.; Geubelle, P. H. “Fluid Convection Driven by Surface Tension During Free-Surface Frontal Polymerization,” Mechanics of Materials 2024, 194, 104987.

  454. Tarafdar, A.; Lin, W.; Naderi, A.; Wang, X.; Fu, K.; Hosein, I. D.; Wang, Y. “UV-Induced Frontal Polymerization for Optimized in-Situ Curing of Epoxy Resin for Excellent Tensile and Flexural Properties,”
    Composites Communications
    2024, 46, 101832.
  455. Daguerre-Bradford, J.; Camarda, D. S.; Lesser, A. J.; Cristadoro, A. M.; Linnenbrink, M.; Schütte, M. “Synthesis and Characterization of Foams Generated Via Gel State Frontal Polymerization,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2024,
  456. Cook, A. L.; Dearborn, M. A.; Anderberg, T. M.; Vaidya, K.; Jureller, J. E.; Esser-Kahn, A. P.; Squires, A. H. “Polymer Patterning by Laser-Induced Multipoint Initiation of Frontal Polymerization,” ACS Appl Mater Interfaces
    2024, 16, 17973-17980.
  457. Lessard, J. J.; Mejia, E. B.; Kim, A. J.; Zhang, Z.; Berkey, M. G.; Medina-Barreto, Z. S.; Ewoldt, R. H.; Sottos, N. R.; Moore, J. S. “Unraveling Reactivity Differences: Room-Temperature Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) Versus Frontal Romp,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2024, 146, 7216-7221.


  458. Shams, A. T.; Papon, E. A.; Shinde, P. S.; Bara, J.; Haque, A. “Degree of Cure, Microstructures, and Properties of Carbon/Epoxy Composites Processed Via Frontal Polymerization,” Polymers2024, 16, 1493. 

    • Sun, J.; Wang, R.; Xue, G.; Qiao, G. “Ultra-Fast Preparation of High-Strength Polymer Concrete Via Frontal Polymerization at Room Temperature,” Small Methods 2024, e2301569.


  459. Cooper, J. C.; Paul, J. E.; Ramlawi, N.; Saengow, C.; Sharma, A.; Suslick, B. A.; Ewoldt, R. H.; Sottos, N. R.; Moore, J. S. “Reprocessability in Engineering Thermosets Achieved through Frontal Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization,” Advanced Materials, 2024, 2402627.

  460.    Zhan, Q.; Yang, P. “Upgrading of Thermosets and Composites Via Sequential Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization and Radical Reactions,” Journal of Materials Science 2024, 59, 7779–7792.

    • Vyas, S.; Parikh, N. A.; Price, T. C.; Patel, D. P.; Le, T. B.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R. “Through-Thickness Frontal Polymerization: Process Development and Optimization,” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2024, 180,

  461. Bassenheim, D.; Mitterbauer, M.; Liska, R.; Knaack, P. “Novel Thermal Initiator Systems for Radical Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization,” Polym. Chem. 2024, 15, 2229-2234.


  462. Zhang, T.; Xu, N.; Yin, W.; Liu, D.; Liu, C.; Lang, M. “Energy-Efficient Frontal Polymerization of Poly(DCPD-Co-TCPD) with Improving Thermomechanical Properties and Chemical Resistance,” Materials Today Communications 2024, 40,109494.

  463. Luo, T.; Zhao, Y.; Fu, K.; Cui, X.; Chen, B. “High-Efficiency Manufacturing of Epoxy Resins through Two-Point Initiation of Frontal Polymerization,” Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 496, 154148.

  464. alucelli, G.; Mariani, A. “Frontal Polymerization for the Rapid Obtainment of Polymer Composites,” ACS Omega 2024, 9, 25448-25456.

  465. Sun, J.; Hong, Y.; Qiao, G. “The Super-Fast Synthesis of High-Strength Epoxy Adhesives by Uv-Initiated Frontal Polymerization at Room Temperature,” Reactive and Functional Polymers 2024, 105987.

    • Li, B.; Wu, A.; Zhou, M.; Wang, Y.; Hu, Z.; Su, L. “Preparation of High-Performance Barium Titanate Composite Hydrogels by Deep Eutectic Solvent-Assisted Frontal Polymerization,” Materials 2024, 17, 3262.

  466. Xu, Z.; Chua, L.; Singhal, A.; Krishnan, P.; Lessard, J. J.; Suslick, B. A.; Chen, V.; Sottos, N. R.; Gomez-Bombarelli, R.; Moore, J. S. “Reactive Processing of Furan-Based Monomers Via Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization for High Performance Materials,” Adv Mater 2024, e2405736.

    • Bistri, D.; Arretche, I.; Lessard, J. J.; Zakoworotny, M.; Vyas, S.; Rongy, L.; Gomez-Bombarelli, R.; Moore, J. S.; Geubelle, P. “A Mechanism-Based Reaction-Diffusion Model for Accelerated Discovery of Thermoset Resins Frontally Polymerized by Olefin Metathesis,” J Am Chem Soc 2024, 146, 21877-21888.


  467. Esposito, G.; Tandon, G.; Abbott, A.; Butcher, D.; Koerner, H. “Frontal Polymerization for Uv‐ and Thermally Initiated Epon 826 Resin,” Polymer Engineering & Science 2024, 64, 4760-4773.


  468. Sun, J.; Wang, R.; Xue, G.; Qiao, G. “Ultra-Fast Preparation of High-Strength Polymer Concrete Via Frontal Polymerization at Room Temperature,” Small Methods 2024, e2301569.

  469. Paul, J. E.; Gao, Y.; Go, Y. K.; Rodriguez Koett, L. E.; Sharma, A.; Chen, M.; Lessard, J. J.; Topkaya, T.; Leal, C.; Moore, J. S.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R. “Controlled Patterning of Crystalline Domains by Frontal Polymerization,” Nature 2024, 634, 85–90.

  470. Ziaee, M.; Yourdkhani, M. “Bubble-Free Frontal Polymerization of Acrylates Via Redox-Initiated Free Radical Polymerization,” Polymers 2024, 16, 2830.

  471. Yuan, Z.; Huang, S.; Chen, W.; Jiang, D. “Synthesis and Characterization of Epoxy Resin‐Polydicyclopentadiene Interpenetrating Polymer Networks by UV‐Initiated Simultaneously Frontal Polymerization,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2024, e56268.


  472. Li, X.; Yan, M.; Xiao, J.; Lian, H. “Ultrafast Fabrication of Deep Eutectic Solvent Flexible Ionic Gel with High-Transmittance, Freeze-Resistant and Conductivity by Frontal Polymerization,” J Colloid Interface Sci 2023, 650, 1382-1392.

  473. Majhi, S. S.; Singh, A. C.; Upadhyay, R. K.; Chakraborty, A. K.; Yadav, N.; Srivastava, P. K. “Structural Modulation in Colored Polymer Bands of Methacrylic Acid-Based Frontal Polymerization,” Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 2024, 101437.

  474. Di Lisa, L.; Rea, M.; Nuvoli, D.; Focarete, M. L.; Albonetti, C.; Mariani, A. “Frontal Polymerization of Acrylamide/GelMA/Gelatin Hydrogels with Controlled Mechanical Properties and Inherent Self-Recovery,” European Polymer Journal 2024, 221, 113551.


  475. Hmeidat, N. S.; Zakoworotny, M.; Kim, Y. S.; Le, T. B.; DeBrun, G.; Shah, R.; Lessard, J. J.; Moore, J. S.; Baur, J. W.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R.; Tawfick, S. H. “Reactive Extrusion of Frontally Polymerizing Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites,” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2024, 108609.


    Delgado, J.; Becerra, R.; Zorrilla, M.; Villaseñor, C.; Vega, A.; Quintero-Ortega, I. A. “Frontal Polymerisation of Acrylic Acid Tuned by Micellar Aggregates in a Deep Eutectic Solvent,” Molecular Physics 2024, 122,  


  477. Chen, Z.; Koohbor, B.; Zhang, X.; Dean, L. M.; Geubelle, P. H.; Sottos, N. R. “Residual Strain Development in Rapid Frontally Curing Polymers,” ACS Applied Engineering Materials 2024, 2, 2597-2607.

  478. Irfan, M.; Zhai, J.; Li, Q.; Chen, S.; Li, G.-X.; Xiao, J. J. “Rapid Synthesis of Self-Healing, pH-Responsive IA-Based Hydrogels Via Frontal Polymerization,” Journal of Polymer Science 2025, 63, 342-357.

  479. Gao, Y.; Feng, Y.; Yu, X.; Chen, R.; Geubelle, P. H. “Numerical Study on Frontal Polymerization Subjected to Buoyancy-Induced Convection: Front Acceleration and Instability,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2025, 240, 126622.

    • Adrewie, D.; Rocha, M.; Fuller, M.; Pojman, J. A. “Thiol-Acrylate Gel Systems for Frontal Polymerization,” Journal of Polymer Science 2025, 63, 299-306.

  480. Zhao, Y.-L.; Li, Y.; Chen, R.; Zhu, L.; Li, G.-X.; Shen, H.-X.; Li, Q.; Chen, S. “Rapid Synthesis of Polyzwitterionic Hydrogel Via Frontal Polymerization Towards Seawater Desalination,” Separation and Purification Technology 2025, 360, 130965.

    • Martinez, M.; Bansal, K.; Pojman, J. A.; Quadir, M. “Frontal Polymerization of Phytic Acid Containing Hexaacrylate, Triacrylate, and Fillers,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2025, 142,

Patents Related to Frontal Polymerization

Dixon, G. D., “In Depth Curing of Resins Induced by Uv Radiation,” 1980, U. S. Patent, 4,222,835.

Scranton, A. B.; Bharath, R.; S., C. L., “Thick, Composite Parts Made from Photopolymerizable Compositions and Methods for Making Such Parts,” 1999, U. S. Patent 5,855,837, 

Pojman, J. A.; McCardle, T. W. “Functionally Gradient Polymeric Materials,” 2000, U.S. Patent 6,057,406.

Pojman, J. A.; McCardle, T. W. “Functionally Gradient Polymeric Materials,” 2001, U.S. Patent 6,313,237.

Gregory, S., “Ultraviolet curable resin compositions having enhanced shadow cure properties,” 2001, U.S. Patent 6,245,827.

Pfeil; A ; Burgel; T.; Morbidelli; M.; Rosell; A.,” Mortar composition, curable by frontal polymerization, and a method for fastening tie bars,” 2003, U.S. Patent 6,533,503

Burgel, T.; Marianne, B., “Mortar Composition of at Least Two Components and Curable by Heat Initiation and a Method for Fastening Tie Rods, Reinforcing Steel for Concrete or the Like in Solid Substrates,” 2004, US Patent, 6,815,517.

MacKay, B. A.; Sullivan, P. F.; Nicolas Droger, N.; Ralph M. D’Angelo, W.; Miller, D. E., “Method for Treating Well Bore within a Subterranean Formation.,” 2012, US, 8,215,393 B2.

Moszner, N.; Salz, U.; Burtscher, P.; Liska, R.; GUGG, A.; GORSCHE, C., “Polymerizable Compositions with Improved through-Curing Depth,” 2015, US8557888B2.

 Moore, J. S.; Sottos, N. R.; Schwarz, K. J.; Stawiasz, K. J.; Paul, J. E., “Method of Light-Promoted Frontal Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization,” 2022,


Isothermal Frontal Polymerization ( Interfacial Gel Polymerization)

  1. Koike, Y.; Takezawa, Y.; Ohtsuka, Y. “New Interfacial-Gel Copolymerization Techniques for Steric GRIN Polymer Optical Waveguides and Lens Arrays,”Appl. Opt. 198827, 486-491. 
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  14. Evstratova, S. I.; Antrim, D.; Fillingane, C.; Pojman, J. A. “Isothermal Frontal Polymerization: Confirmation of the Isothermal Nature of the Process and the Effect of Oxygen and Polymer Seed Molecular Weight on Front Propagation,” J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 200644, 3601-3608.
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  16. Lewis, L. L.; Massey, K. N.; Meyer, E. R.; McPherson, J. R.; Hanna, J. S. “New Insight into Isothermal Frontal Polymerization Models: Wieners Method to Determine the Diffusion Coefficients for High Molecular-Weight Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) with Neat Methyl Methacrylate,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 200846, 900-910.
  17. Ivanov, V. V.; Mel’nikov, V. P.; Stegno, E. V. “Efficiency of Polymer Inhibitors Upon Methylmethacrylate Polymerization in Frontal Mode,” Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 20126, 750-751.

Frontal Photopolymerization

(A localized propagation polymerization reaction that is driven by absorption of light.)

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  19. Cui, Y.; Yang, J.; Zhan, Y.; Zeng, Z.; Chen, Y. “In Situ Fabrication of Polyacrylate/Nanozirconia Hybrid Material Via Frontal Photopolymerization,” Colloid Polym. Sci2008286, 97-106.
  20. Kostarev, K. G.; Svistkov, A. L.; Shmyrov, A. V. “Formation of Inhomogeneities in Polyacrylamide Gel in the Course of Frontal Polymerization,” Polym. Sci. Ser. A 200850, 710-715.
  21. Hayki, N.; Lecamp, L.; DeÃÅsilles, N.; Lebaudy, P. “Kinetic Study of Photoinitiated Frontal Polymerization. Influence of Uv Light Intensity Variations on the Conversion Profiles,” Macromolecules 200943, 177-184.
  22. Turturro, M. V.; Papavasiliou, G. “Generation of Mechanical and Biofunctional Gradients in Peg Diacrylate Hydrogels by Perfusion-Based Frontal Photopolymerization,” Journal of Biomaterials Science 201223, 917–939.
  23. Vitale, A.; Hennessy, M. G.; Matar, O. K.; Cabral, J. T. “Interfacial Profile and Propagation of Frontal Photopolymerization Waves,” Macromolecules 201448, 198-205.
  24. Hennessy, M. G.; Vitale, A.; Matar, O. K.; Cabral, J. T. “Controlling Frontal Photopolymerization with Optical Attenuation and Mass Diffusion,” Phys. Rev. E 201591, 062402.
  25. Hennessy, M. G.; Vitale, A.; Cabral, J. T.; Matar, O. K. “Role of Heat Generation and Thermal Diffusion During Frontal Photopolymerization,” Phys. Rev. E 201592, 022403.
  26. Vitale, A.; Hennessy, M. G.; Matar, O. K.; Cabral, J. T. “A Unified Approach for Patterning Via Frontal Photopolymerization,” Adv. Mater201527, 6118-6124.
  27. Purnama, A. R.; Hennessy, M. G.; Vitale, A.; Cabral, J. T. “Coarse-Grained Models for Frontal Photopolymerization with Evolving Conversion Profile,” Polym. Int. 201766, 752-760.
  28.  Carion, P.; Ibrahim, A.; Allonas, X.; Croutxé-Barghorn, C.; L’Hostis, G. “Frontal Free-Radical Photopolymerization of Thick Samples: Applications to Led-Induced Fiber-Reinforced Polymers,” J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem2019, doi:10.1002/pola.29341.
  29. Ebner, C.; Mitterer, J.; Eigruber, P.; Stieger, S.; Riess, G.; Kern, W. “Ultra-High through-Cure of (Meth)Acrylate Copolymers Via Photofrontal Polymerization,” Polymers 2020, 12, 1291, 10.3390/polym12061291

  30. Ebner, C.; Mitterer, J.; Gonzalez-Gutierrez, J.; Rieß, G.; Kern, W. “Resins for Frontal Photopolymerization: Combining Depth-Cure and Tunable Mechanical Properties,” Materials 2021, 14, 743.

Other Papers of Interest on Thermal Fronts

Novozhilov, B. V. “The Rate of Propagation of the Front of an Exothermic Reaction in a Condensed Phase,”Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 1961141, 151.

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