We have recently established a listserver at USM for the exchange of information on nonlinear chemical dynamics. The goal of the list is to provide a
forum for the discussion of current topics in nonlinear chemical dynamics, including (but not restricted to) chemical oscillations, waves, fronts,
self-organization, fractals, chaos, etc.
You may use it to ask questions about experimental and numerical methods, to advertise conferences and job openings in the field. Experts,
neophytes and the generally interested are encouraged to subscribe.
To subscribe to the list, send a message to list@wave.st.usm.edu. In the first line of the body put
subscribe nonlin your_first_name your_last_name
subscribe john pojman
Once you subsribe, you send messages to nonlin@wave.st.usm.edu that everyone on the list will receive.
Or to
To unsubcribe, do the same procedure but with the unsubcribe command or message to john.pojman@usm.edu asking to be removed.
To request a list of participant in the list, send a message to list@wave.st.usm.edu
review nonlin
Here are the postings to nonlin, starting March 2, 1999
From: "John A. Pojman" <john.pojman@usm.edu>
To: Multiple recipients of <nonlin@wave.st.usm.edu>
Subject: StarLogo
Dear Colleagues,
I came across a nice programming environment for doing simulations of
spatially distributed systems. Starlogo is similar to cellular automata
but "turtles" can be programmed to move around and interact on the grid.
It is free and works only on a Macintosh. It comes with examples including
forest fires and slime molds
best regards,
From: 6155GUASTELL@marquette.edu
To: Multiple recipients of <nonlin@wave.st.usm.edu>
Subject: Call/Papers '99 Soc Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences
Ninth Annual International Conference of
The Society For Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences
Berkeley, CA, July 22-27, 1999
An invitation is extended to all interested scholars to submit papers
and programs reporting work involving chaos theory, fractals, nonlinear
dynamics and related principles. Research, theory, and application in
any of the psychological and life sciences sub-disciplines. Areas
represented at recent conferences have included neuroscience, biology,
medical research, economics, sociology, anthropology, physics, political
science, organizations/management, education, art, philosophy, and
literature. Programs will include single papers, symposia, roundtable or
salon programs. Subject matter may be theoretical, empirical, or
methodology oriented.
Special Guest Speakers
Fred Abraham
Ralph Abraham
Brief Schedule
July 22, Thursday, Early arrival day.
July 23, Friday, Registration, Intermediate Dynamics Workshop, Opening
July 24, Saturday, Conference Day 1,
Banquet and Speakers
July 25, Sunday, Conference Day 2,
July 26, Monday, Business Meeting,
Clinical Workshop,
Organizational Workshop
July 27, Tuesday, Departure day
Important Dates to Remember:
(Accepted papers' authors will be contacted on or before
May 15)
Jun 30 Registration for all speakers is required. All lodging requests
must be received (It's hard to guarantee rooms after this date).
July 15 Deadline for cancellations. At-door registration rates take
Submissions should include the title of the presentation, the names and
affiliations of all authors, and a short abstract (100-200 words).
All abstracts MUST be submitted in publishable, electronic form, either
as ASCII email enclosures or as WORD or WORDPERFECT attachments.
Submissions of abstracts in this form greatly facilitates the
publication and distribution of abstracts to our print and internet
readers. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please facilitate review of your abstract by:
1. DO NOT include diagrams, graphics, or special fonts, as these cannot
be printed in the program. If figures or math text are needed for proper
evaluation of proposal, send abstract by FAX instead; see below.
2. If you are using WORD or WORDPERFECT, TRY TO AVOID submissions with
hard carriage returns at the end of lines. Use returns only at paragraph
3. DO INCLUDE your address, phone/fax number, and email address for
notification regarding the status of your submission.
4. PLEASE INCLUDE notation of any special audio or visual needs.
Standard overhead projectors will be available. Unusual equipment is
difficult and expensive to obtain, so review your needs carefully.
5. Use the sample, below, as a guide.
All abstracts MUST be submitted in publishable, electronic form, either
as ASCII email enclosures or as WORD or WORDPERFECT attachments.
SAMPLE ABSTRACT SUBMISSION (Note:Your abstract will appear in the form
you submit it. Abstracts over 200 words will be edited.)
Applications of "chaos theory" in the study of really interesting stuff.
A. Tractor, Department of Interesting Stuff University of Everything,
City, Country, Postal Code.
and L. Sighcle, Department of Related Stuff, Research Place, City,
Country, Postal Code.
We report results of a two-year study of the fluctuations in several
interesting variables. Of particular interest are the relation between
several of the variables and several of the others. Our analysis
suggests that the relation of variables may be understood as reflecting
the operation of a nonlinear, complex system. Several suggestions about
the dynamics of this system as well as implications for further study
will be discussed. (Research supported, in part, by the National
Institute of Interesting Stuff).
CONTACT INFORMATION: Lymet Sighcle, Ph.D., Department of Related Stuff,
Research Place City/State, Country, Postal Code. Voice phone:
999-999-9999, Ext. 99; email: lsighcle@researchplace.com
The deadline for submission of abstracts is: April 30,1999.
Robert J. Porter, Ph.D. at:
Abstracts may also be mailed in the form of 3.25 diskettes, PC format,
Robert J. Porter, Ph.D.,
118 W. Plymouth St., Tampa, FL, 33603.
FAX special graphic material to RJP at 813-225-5678
Responses regarding abstracts acceptance will be made thru May 15,
Paper Titles and Presenters - will be available June 1.
Full Schedule of time slots -- June 15.
This year's conference will be held at University of California,
Berkeley. Lodging at the conference site and at nearby dorms will be
available at a reduced rate. Information regarding lodging and
registration will be available at a later date.
Registration Fees: The [early] registration fee for this conference will
be US$150 for regular members, US$110 for students, and $205 for
non-members until July 12, 1999. After June 12, the door-registration
rates of $135/125/225 apply. Lunches for the two main days of the
conference, the Banquet dinner on Saturday, July 24, as well as
refreshments are included with your registration.
Special: This year you can bring a non-member spouse to the conference
at a special discount rate. To avoid confusion, the non-member spouse
must register at the same time as the member.
Information regarding lodging and registration will be available at a
later date.
With Membership: The principal papers of this conference will be
published in Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology & Life Sciences conditional
on arrangements with authors. A subscription to NDPLS is one of the
benefits of membership in SCTPLS. To become a member, use the Conference
Registration Form (next Newsletter, June, 1999) or the membership form
that is currently located on this SCTPLS Web site. ASCII copies may also
be obtained from Mary Ann Metzger, secretary <metzger@umbc.edu>.
An Invitation to All SCTPLS '99 Speakers
On behalf of the Society I am inviting all SCTPLS '99 speakers to submit
their conference papers for review pursuant to publication its research
journal, Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and Life Sciences. NDPLS is a
forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original papers that augment
the fundamental ways in which we understand, describe, and predict
nonlinear dynamical phenomena in psychology, the life, and social
sciences. "Nonlinear Dynamics" for purposes of the journal purview
refers to a group of mathematical concepts that includes (but it not
limited to) attractors, bifurcations, chaos, catastrophes, fractals,
solitons, cellular automata, evolutionary computations, and processes of
Regarding format, the final versions of your papers will need to be in
standard manuscript form. We use American Psychological Association
(APA) style, if you are familiar with that. Format details and other
information about NDPLS can be found on the Society website.
In all cases, we can only publish manuscripts that have not been
published already, and are not under consideration by any other journal.
This is, of course, a familiar boundary condition.
I look forward to seeing you all in Berkeley.
Stephen J. Guastello, Ph.D.
Editor in Chief
Dept. Psychology, Marquette University
P. O. Box 1881 Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881 USA.
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 13:45:29 -0600 (CST)
From: 6155GUASTELL@marquette.edu
To: Multiple recipients of <nonlin@wave.st.usm.edu>
Brief FAQ for...
About the Society
The Society is an international forum bringing together researchers,
theoreticians, and practitioners interested in applying dynamical
systems theory, far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics, self-organiza-
tion, neural nets, fractals cellular automata, and related forms
of chaos, catastrophes, bifurcations, nonlinear dynamics, and
complexity theories to psychology and the life sciences.
The Society was founded at its first meeting held in San Francisco,
1991. Our members hail from numerous specialties within psychology
and the social sciences as well as from biology, physiology, ecology,
neuroscience, mathematics, philosophy, physics, computer
science, economics, education, management, political science, engineering,
and the world of art. At the time this announcement was prepared,
the Society has approximately 300 members in 31 countries.
Society Activities
The Society publishes a newsletter, holds an annual international
conference including workshops on new nonlinear methods, co-hosts
regional conferences, publishes a research journal (NDPLS), and
maintains the CHAOPSYC@LIST.UVM.EDU e-mail discussion group.
To subscribe to the e-mail disucssion group, send a message to
<listproc@list.uvm.edu> saying (only) <subscribe chaopsyc [yourname]>.
research journal, and is published by the Human Sciences Press, Inc.
div. Plenum, Inc. The debut issue (Vol. 1, No. 1) appeared in
January, 1997. Information on the preparation of manuscripts,
scope of the journal, its editorial board, cumulative contents
are available from the Editorial Office or the Society's World Wide
Web Site.
The SCTPLS World Wide Web Site is:
This site links to a wide range resources for researchers in nonlinear
dynamics. For linking information contact Elliott Middleton, Webmaster
The Society has, to date, published three edited book collections:
Abraham, F., & Gilgen A. (Eds., 1995). Chaos Theory in Psychology.
Westport CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
ISBN 0-313-28961-1.
Robertson, R., & Combs, A. (Eds., 1995). Chaos Theory in Psychology and
the Life Sciences. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
ISBN 0-8058-1736-0 [hardbound], ISBN 0-8058-1737-9 [paper].
Sulis, W., & Combs, A. (Eds.). (1996). Nonlinear Dynamics in Human
Behaviour. A volume in the series Studies on Nonlinear
Phenomena in the Life Sciences (B. West, Series editor).
Singapore: World Scientific.
Annual Conferences
Annual conferences often precede one of the major psychological
conferences in North America, as possible, depending on site availability
and cost and membership locations. The 1998 (Eighth) annual conference
took place on July 31 - Aug 3, 1998, at Boston University, Boston, MA.
Information concerning the 1999 and future conferences, will be posted
in the Newsletter, on the website, CHAOPSYC and elsewhere.
The program and set of available abstracts to the 1996 (Sixth),
1997 (Seventh), and 1998 (eighth) Annual SCTPLS Conferences is available
on the Society's web site. Papers from the Sixth and subsequent annual
conferences will be published (pending the usual editorial review) in
Physical Location
Effective 1 Sept., 1998 the Society address for Newsletter submissions,
and general inquiries is:
Robert J. Porter, Ph.D., President, 1998-99
c/o Lambda Consulting
118 W. Plymouth
Tampa, FL 33603
webpage: http://www.mindspring.com/~rjporter
(RJP is Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of New Orleans.
He consults in applications of psychology and nonlinear science.)
Newsletter printing, distribution
Dept. Psychology, Marquette University
P.O. Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881 USA
Please complete the following form and remit with your payment to:
Mary Ann Metzger, Ph.D., Membership Secretary
Dept. Psychology,
University of Maryland, UMBC
Baltimore, MD 21250 USA.
FAX: 410-455-1055
Please make your check or money order payable in US Dollars to the
Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences (or SCTPLS).
We now accept American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa
credit cards. (We are not outrigged for debit cards at this time.)
For those joining us from outside the USA: The Society can accept
payment by wire transfer. For details on how to use wire transfer,
contact Mary Ann Metzger at the addresses above. Note: Always check
with your local bank for any wire, currency purchase, or related
charges that might apply; bank charges vary in this regard.
The membership year begins on Sept. 1 of each year, and extends
until August 31, of the following calendar year. Your new or renewed
membership will include a subscription to NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, PSYCHOLOGY,
AND LIFE SCIENCES (to be issued January, March, July, and October, 1999).
Membership fees are US$60, or $50 for students.
Registration Form
Name ________________________________________________________________
Organization _________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
City, State/Province, Zip or mail code, country:
Tel: ____________________ FAX: _____________________
e-mail: ____________________________________________
This is a (check one) _________ Regular _________ Student registration.
What topic areas within Nonlinear Dynamics interest you the most?
Please indicate payment type:
___ Check drawn on US Funds
___ I am requesting wire transfer instructions
___ American Express, ___Discover, ___ MasterCard, ___ Visa
CREDIT CARD NUMBER ____________________________________________________
EXPIRATION DATE _______________________________________________________
SIGNATURE _____________________________________________________________
(required if sent by s-mail. Your e-mail imprint is sufficient for
electronic membership).
Please return this membership form by e-mail, fax, or s-mail, depending
on mode of payment to MARY ANN METZGER at the addresses listed above.
Please DO NOT send this form through the World Wide Web.
Thank you for your interest in the
March 10, 1999
From: "John A. Pojman" <john.pojman@usm.edu>
To: Multiple recipients of <nonlin@wave.st.usm.edu>
Subject: Chemical Waves, Fronts, and Patterns
"Laissez les bons fronts rouler"
There will be a symposium on Chemical Waves, Fronts and Patterns at the Fall National Meeting of the American Chemical Society to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana , Aug. 22-26, 1999.
The three day symposium will consist of the following sessions:
o Pattern Formation
o Convection and chemical waves
o Chemical waves in Excitable Media
o Thermal Fronts and Flames
o Catalysis
o Industrial Applications of Frontal Processes
This site has information on the meeting (Information on registration and housing will not be available until the summer)
Abstracts will due by April 15, 1999 and should be submitted via the ACS web site.
To submit an abstract, go to
(be patient - nothing may happen for a few moments). Note that you are being assigned a unique ID and password.
Then select our symposium and scroll down to the bottom and click "Submit Topic Selection" and follow the directions.
If you have problems or questions, contact the ACS or me for assistance. Using the www site instead of the old paper versions will be mandatory after New Orleans but hard copy versions can still be accepted for this meeting. But please try the www version first.
John Pojman
Department of Chemistry
University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5043.
For more information on confirmed speakers, the ACS and New Orleans:
John A. Pojman, Ph.D.
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Programs
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5043
(601) 266-5035
(601) 266-6075 (FAX)
TEC 404
From: "John A. Pojman" <john.pojman@usm.edu>
To: Multiple recipients of <nonlin@wave.st.usm.edu>
Subject: dynamics software for the Mac
Dear Colleagues,
I am teaching a class on nonlinear chemical dynamics and am seeking freeware/shareware to run on a Mac to demonstrate dynamical phenomena, such as attractors, period doubling and chaos. Suggestions?
John A. Pojman, Ph.D.
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Programs
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5043
From: "John A. Pojman" <john.pojman@usm.edu>
To: Multiple recipients of <nonlin@wave.st.usm.edu>
Subject: Mathcad module for NLD
Dear Colleagues,
At this site
you can find many modules for Mathcad, for either Mac or PC for pchem, including one I wrote on numerical experiments on oscillating reactions, including the Lotka-Volterra model, Brusselator and Oregonator.
Sender: nonlin@wave.st.usm.edu
Reply-To: "Franco A. Bignone" <abignone@cisi.unige.it>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Precedence: Bulk
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 10:06:56 +0200
X-SQLPH: V5.0Sql@po1.usm.edu
From: "Franco A. Bignone" <abignone@cisi.unige.it>
To: Multiple recipients of <nonlin@wave.st.usm.edu>
Subject: Re: Turing Patterns and Morphogenesis?
John E. Pearson ha scritto:
> Hi John,
> I don't have all the literature in front of me but I would say that the
> answer is almost certainly NO. One of the main candidates, Drosophilla,
> was presented in a paper written by Kaufmann, Shymko, and Trabert (KST)
> (Science, 199 (1978) 259.)who hypothesized that the 7
> stripes in Drosophilla were generated by a Turing mechanism. ....
> Garrett Odell (U. of Washington) came
> to Texas in the late 80's and gave a beautiful talk on this subject.
> He had a list of reasons why it was unlikely that a Turing type mechansism
> was responsible for segmentation in Drosophilla. Primary among them
> was the fact that there are different species of Drosophilla which
> vary widely in size yet they all have the same number of stripes, 7,
> so the "wavelength" necessarily varies from species to species.
> So the picture here is that you
> have a gradient of some chemical which selectively activates various
> genes. Odell modeled the gene regulation and was able to robustly
> generate the proper number of stripes. Later others
> got into the game and the results appear robust.
> If you go deeper yet it may still be possible that the Turing mechanism
> operates inside the cell, but at this is currently no more than
> interesting speculation. Because of buffering by immobile agents diffusion
> coefficients can be dramatically reduced from their value in water. This
> is known to occur in the case of calcium for example. Whether this permits
> pattern formation is another question. It seems reasonable to suppose that
> perhaps the control size problems are somewhat less important for very
> small patterns in which you perhaps only want to form a structure with
> polarity. I also think that the coat patterns (see Murray's book) are
> probably right. There the issue of control is unimportant. To the best of
> my knowledge no one yet knows what chemicals are acting in the coat
> pattern problem.
> John Pearson E-mail: pearson@lanl.gov
> XCM MS F645 Phone:(505)-667-7585
> Los Alamos National Laboratory FAX (505)-665-4479
> Los Alamos, NM 87545
> http://www-xdiv.lanl.gov/XCM/pearson/home_page.html
> On Mon, 3 May 1999, John A. Pojman wrote:
> > Dear Colleagues,
> >
> > In a course on Nonlinear Chemical Dynamics, we are studying Turing patterns. What is the current state of our understanding of embryo development and Turing patterns? Is there a Turing mechanism?
> >
> > thanks.
> >
> > john
> >
> >
> > John A. Pojman, Ph.D.
> > Professor and Director of Undergraduate Programs
> > Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
> > The University of Southern Mississippi
> > Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5043
> >
> > (601) 266-5035
> > (601) 266-6075 (FAX)
> >
> > TEC 404
> >
> > john.pojman@usm.edu
> >
I agree fully with the statement of Pearson. At the moment there are no experimental proofs
whatsoever that a Turing mechanism may act in setting structure in embryos or coat patterns,
and I would add Shell patterns. In this case in particular a search of the literature can show
that at least three different mechanisms have been proposed, one based on a neural network
scheme, and the others variations on the chemical pattern formation ideas. But there are no studies
done on the subject experimentally. From the literature it seems that the dynamics in
this case has a time step in the order of magnitude of days, this is how much far as you can go.
As far as Turing goes there are other possibilities, as Pearson was referring to, but what is
the role of these possibilities in setting games in biological systems is still unknown. You can
think about the problem in two different ways. In the first one, you can try to find mechanisms
for pattern formation using Turing mechanisms, and again referring to Pearson, you can split
the problem dimentionally. The structure of the cell - expecially in the
case of higher phyla - is still quite unknown in terms of possible mechanisms setting structure
and regulation.
We know for example that chromatin clusters - chromosomes - do not have a random
distribution inside cells, but the meaning of this is still lacking. And then you have the higher
dimentional systems, like the coat of a Zebra. But again no hints from experimentalists.
The second way to think about pattern formation is to look at the findings from Genetics.
In a lot of systems it has recently been shown that regulation of structures is done by clusters
of genes, from 50 to 200 depending on the system. So the question can thus become: is this
machinery set in order to control chemical instabilities, to achieve constantly a certain outcome (?),
or the system has set this way of proceeding in order to avoid those mechanisms because
are not stable enought? As you well know in some cases chemical instabilities are used:
Dictyostelium discoideum aggregation, and rective media in general, are good examples. But in other
cases dosen't seems to be so, like for Turing instability, and in general for development. It is obvious
that the rules of the game must be somehow rooted in the chemistry of the system, but it
is perhaps necessary to think of it in different terms. While in the case of D.discoideum what
is important is to set a certain proportion of cells becoming fruiting body or stalk cells, in
other cases cells are subdivided precisely. In Anellids, Gastropods and Nematodes you can
predict precisely what every cell will do. In C. elegans eggs, about 150,000 cubic microns, 558 cells
are formed before hatching by subdivision, in a repeatable way. You can thus map precisely the
inital volume into the final embryo. So, even if chemical instabilities must be obviously there, it is
still necessary to have a strict control to achieve such precision, how this is done, and
expecially why is done in this way, is still largely unknown.
Franco A. Bignone
Dpt. of Experimental Oncology, I.S.T., National Cancer Institute,
Lrgo Rosanna Benzi, 10, I-16132, Genova, Italy
Ph. Home +39-010-(247)3070 (secr)
Job: +39-010-(5600)641; +39-010-355839; +39-010-(5600)213 (secr)
FAX: +39-010-(5600)210;
e-mail: abignone@cisi.unige.it http://gendyn.ist.unige.it
X-Sender: mmenzing@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 21:34:43 -0400
X-SQLPH: V5.0Sql@po1.usm.edu
To: "John A. Pojman" <john.pojman@usm.edu>
From: Michael Menzinger <mmenzing@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Re: Turiing Patterns and Morphogenesis?
Mime-Version: 1.0
Dear John,
shure enough there is no mention in the drosophila-related literature of
Turing's idea (e.g. the book 'the makng of a fly' - I forget its author -
does not even list Turing), and the 'mother gradient' theory seems to be
more or less accepted. With regards to animal coat patterns, butterfly
wings, seashells etc., the verdict is less clear, although long standing
efforts to identify a morphogen (i.e. an activator species) have not had
much success. And until the 'morphogen' eludes biochemists, biologists feel
justified in their reserve towards Turing. However: most of the Turing
models so far, including Turing's own, deal with 2-species
activator-inhibitor systems (except the 1969 paper by Othmer & Scriven; and
a more recent paper by KAJ White and CA Gilligan in
Phil.Trans.Roy.Soc.(1998) and our work to which I come now).
The paper by Rovinsky & Menzinger (Phys.Rev.Let.69, 1193 (1994)) on
Turing- and DIFI instabilities in 3-variable systems showed that the
unstable subsystem ('activator') can be two-dimensional, with no single
species being 'the activator'. Satnoianu & Menzinger recently generalized
this to n-dimensions where a cascade of distinct Turing bifurcations with
(n-1), (n-2), ... 2, 1-dimensional, unstable subsystems may occur (the
morphology of the corresponding patterns is also subtly different). One
thing that biochemistry teaches one is that nature takes little heed of the
minimal textbook mechanisms, and that it often adorns them with 'bells and
whistles'. The search for the 'morphogen' will have to become more
sophisticated, and
be extended to 'unstable matrices' from 'activators, or species with a
positive matrix element in the stability matrix'.
Best regards,
Michael Menzinger
Department of Chemistry
University of Toronto
Toronto ON M5S 3H6
tel & fax 416-978.6158
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 12:01:59 -0700 (PDT)
X-SQLPH: V5.0Sql@po1.usm.edu
From: Harrison <lionel@pepe.chem.ubc.ca>
Subject: Turing patterns and morphogenesis
To: keshet@math.ubc.ca
cc: john.pojman@usm.edu, pearson@lanl.gov, david@pepe.chem.ubc.ca
MIME-Version: 1.0
Hi Leah!
This is my response to your invitation of 3 May to contribute to
this email discussion arising from John Pojman's question and John
Pearson's reply. The question was "Is there a Turing mechanism?" This
doesn't have a unique meaning: proving that a type of chemical mechanism
exists is a different thing from identifying the substances involved in
it. (Think, for instance of the gap of 60 or more years between clear
identification of the presence of powerful catalysts, enzymes, and the
first identification of an enzyme as a protein.) The question can be taken
to mean either of those. On the question of proof of a Turing mechanism,
without substance identification, I think the work of S. Kondo and R.
Asai, Nature, vol. 376, no. 6543, pp. 765-768, 31 August 1995, is
definitively positive. It was headlined on the cover of that issue "Turing
patterns come to life".
I should leave readers to make up their own minds on the degree of
definitiveness of the work in my own group, since I am likely to show a
biased attitude. I believe that my experimental work on the giant
single-celled alga Acetabularia is close to definitive for the existence
of a reaction-diffusion mechanism, Turing-type and probably in the
Brusselator category: Harrison et al. Protoplasma (1981) 106, 211-221; J.
Theor. Biol. (1985) 114, 177-192; Development (1988) 104, 255-262;
Protoplasma (1997) 196, 190-196. The last-mentioned summarizes all my
physicochemical evidence for a reaction-diffusion mechanism in which
extracellular calcium probably activates a membrane-bound protein to become
a morphogen precursor. Theoretical work in my group which takes strong
account of detailed biological evidence has been done for axolotl heart
formation (Holloway, Harrison and Armstrong (1994) Developmental Dynamics
200, 242-256) and for another large single-celled alga, Micrasterias,
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. (1999), series B, vol. 354, no. 1382, 417-433,
28 February 1999. (For my general attitude to chemical-kinetic mechanisms
for biological pattern, see also my book, L. G. Harrison, Kinetic Theory
of Living Pattern, Canbridge University Press (1993).
As to the definitive identification of the chemical identities of a
Turing activator-inhibitor morphogen pair, I beleive that Pearson's answer
"NO" remains correct, but is unlikely to remain correct much longer,
because there are many promising leads. To my mind the closest to a
definitive identification is the pair DIF-1 and ammonia, proposed for
Dictyostelium by Julian Gross et al. (1988) Differentiation 38, 91-98. In
the work of my own group, we have suggested that membrane-bound proteins,
with extracellular receptor activities and intracellular intermolecular
autophosphorylating kinase activity are very promising candidates for
Turing activators both in the large single-celled algae and in vertebrate
organogenesis (the axolotl heart problem, specifically).
Pearson mentions Hans Meinhardt as likely to provide a counter view
to his. I would indeed expect this. Hans has done a large amount of work
in which he has kept close to the detailed biological evidence for many
different phenomena. Pearson suggest that Hans has "strayed a long way
from the beauty and elegance of the Turing mechanism". Frankly, I find
this comment ignorant. Ignorant of what? There is a great tendency to
regard Turing mechanisms as belonging to "mathematical biology" or
"mathematical modelling". The latter term, particularly, has been
beginning to disturb me. Models in the natural sciences do not belong to
mathematics. They belong to physics and chemistry, which must ultimately
explain the material and mechanistic basis of everything around us. I
think the beauty and elegance to which Pearson refers are in the basic
Turing mathematics. But physical chemists, like me, find another beauty
and elegance in the interactions of not just two substances but many
substances in a complex mechanism in which various parts of the mechanism
control various aspects of a phenomenon.
For instance, in his book The Algorithmic Beauty of Sea Shells,
Springer (1995), Hans Meinhardt at one point uses rate equations for six
substances in a Turing-type mechanism with many additional features (p.
111). I find this quite beautiful and elegant, and very convincing as
expounding the necessary minimum dynamic requirements for generating cone
shell patterns. I see here an application of Ockham's razor, not a
departure from it. Physicochemical colleagues of mine to whom I have
mentioned these six equations tend to reply: "That isn't very many for a
phenomenon of that complexity".
And now I come to the edge of the Great Abyss itself for all of us
who have been trying to encourage biologists to make a start at last on
trying to establish the chemical-dynamic nature of patterning: Drosophila
segmentation, starting with the pair-rule stripes. In the middle 1980's,
Michael Akam was quite anxious to talk to me about Turing mechanisms, and
put some favourable words about them in a review (Akam (1987) Development
101, 1-22). And then the control of eve stripe 2 by itself was discovered,
and the fruit fly people rejected Turing mechanisms totally (Akam (1989),
making stripes inelegantly, Nature 341, 282-283). There are two views on
this rejection. Some, believe, as Pearson writes, that "In the case of
Drosophila I think the jury is in and that Turing has nothing to do with
segmentation". Others of us believe that the eve stripe 2 evidence proved
nothing of the kind. And at last there are beginning to be indications
from people much closer to the biological work that the segmentation
problem is unsolved: Leslie Pick (1998) Developmental Genetics 23, 1-10,
most especially the second column of page 3, containing the sentence
"However, despite intensive investigation in a number of laboratories, it
is not yet possible to provide a mechanistic explanation of a complete
striped pattern for any single pair-rule gene. Clearly, much remains to be
learned about how periodicity is generated, even in Drosophila."
No, I don't think the jury is in. I think the cops are still out
there collecting evidence, and that the charges are going to be laid and
the trial conducted in the next millennium - and not the first year of it
So what is my perspective? Read chapter 8 of my book. I have tried
there to begin a classification of developmental theories, starting with
the braod divisions: kinetic, equilibrium and structural. Within kinetic,
I have reaction-diffusion, mechanochemical, self-electrophoretic, and
complex intercellular signalling. I believe one has to keep all of these
in mind for any developmental phenomenon, and that it is very dangerous,
for example, to exclude reaction-diffusion from consideration for crucial
pattern-forming events early in embryogenesis.
At the 1998 annual meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology,
at Stanford University, Cheng-Ming Chuong (Pathology, U. of Southern
California) discussed new evidence on the hexagonal pattern of feather
follicles and ended up concluding that there was probably a Turing
mechanism acting, and suggesting: activators, sonic hedgehog (SHH), BMP
activators, cAMP and TGFbeta; inhibitor, BMP4.
I hope these comments add to the beauty and elegance of the debate.
Sender: nonlin@wave.st.usm.edu
Reply-To: Dwight Barkley <barkley@maths.warwick.ac.uk>
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Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 14:20:12 +0100 (BST)
From: Dwight Barkley <barkley@maths.warwick.ac.uk>
To: Multiple recipients of <nonlin@wave.st.usm.edu>
Subject: EZ-Scroll
Sorry to be a pain to those who have already received this.
EZ-Scroll is now publicly available and can be down loaded from my
web site: www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/~barkley
From: Mads Kaern <mkaern@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca>
To: Multiple recipients of <nonlin@wave.st.usm.edu>
Subject: Novel mechansim for stationary waves
Dear All,
this message is to advertise the experimental verification of a novel
pattern generating mechanism published in this months issue of
Phys. Rev. E.
More info is available at http://www.chem.utoronto.ca/~mkaern
To: nonlin@pojman.com
From: "John A. Pojman" <john@pojman.com>
Subject: Errata for Intro. to Nonlinear Chem Dynamics
Dear Colleagues,
We have prepared an "Errata" site for an "Introduction to Nonlinear Chemical Dynamics."
We are sure we have only begun to find our errors. If you should happen to come across others, we would be much obliged if you would bring them to our attention.
Irv and John